Heparin ointment
Features of using heparin ointment for hemorrhoids
Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids has been used for decades. During all this time she
In the iliac region formation
Pain in the left or right iliac region, what diseases can it be
To clarify the clinical picture, in the presence of abdominal pain, it is important for the doctor to know their location,
Echo signs of deformation of the gallbladder in a child
The concept of deformation To understand what deformation of the gallbladder (gallbladder) is, you need to have an idea of
What not to eat if you have liver and gallbladder disease
Liver diet: do's and don'ts
Conditions of modern life and harmful human addictions contribute to increasing the impact of negative factors on the liver
What are rectal suppositories for?
How to properly insert suppositories rectally – Fashionable and beautiful
Advantages of rectal suppositories Rectal suppositories We offer a wide range of specialized medicines, differing
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Nausea after eating causes in women pregnancy
Causes of nausea from fatty foods Vomiting is usually preceded by a condition called nausea. This feeling is regulated
Where is the colon located and how does it hurt?
The main causes of cancer. Colon cancer is characterized by the occurrence of malignant neoplasms on the internal, mucous walls.
Reactive pancreatitis
Reactive pancreatitis in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment tactics for the disease
In medical practice, reactive pancreatitis is usually called acute inflammation of the human pancreas. This is happening
Yellow vomiting: reasons, what to do?
Vomiting is a reflex-based contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Under
Causes of hiccups in adults
What causes prolonged hiccups in an adult and how to relieve the symptom?
January 30, 2020 | Comments: | Views: 235 Home » Health » Causes of hiccups
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