Garlic for Giardia
How to recognize giardiasis in adults by symptoms
What is giardiasis? Giardiasis is an invasive disease caused by protozoan parasites and characterized by damage
child 1
How to get rid of hiccups in a newborn after feeding
The main reasons why does an infant often hiccup? The occurrence of this process is influenced by several factors:
bile stagnation symptoms
7 symptoms of bile stagnation and ways to treat this condition
11/30/2017 Olga Migunova 2 comments The gallbladder serves as a reservoir for bile. Fine
Paraproctitis - treatment at home. Traditional recipes for treating paraproctitis at home
Is it possible to treat paraproctitis without surgery using nutrition, medications and traditional medicine?
Paraproctitis is in 4th place after hemorrhoids, colitis and rectal fissures. It's inflammatory
Epigastric region - what it is and the causes of pain. Epigastric pain: what it can be, where the epigastric region is located
Where is the epigastric region located and why does it bother you? A healthy person hardly thinks about
Can carcinomatosis be misdiagnosed?
General information Peritoneal carcinomatosis is one of the most common diseases that arise as a result of metastatic
Soda solution has certain contraindications
How to make baking soda for heartburn at home
What is soda from a pharmacological point of view? Most people perceive soda as baking soda.
Sigmoidoscopy for varicose veins
Endoscopic examination of the lower digestive tract Sigmoidoscopy is a type of endoscopic examination that allows for a detailed study
Regidron: instructions for use for children, at what age and how to give a child Regidron at home, reviews
Regidron Optim powder d/or. solution 10.7 g No. 20 per pack.
Regidron refers to drugs that restore acid-base and water-electrolyte balance in the patient's body. He is actively
Is gastritis reflux really scary? How to detect it?
How is biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis treated Treatment - How is biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis treated
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