Stomach and back pain

Causes of pain in the back and stomach

There are somatic and visceral pain syndromes; the first includes pain that appears when the abdominal cavity is irritated if the disease has already affected the spinal cord. They are characterized by a point location and sharpness.

Visceral pain bothers the patient if the nerve fibers in the internal organs are irritated, are closely related to spasms, stretching, manifest themselves in the form of colic, have a girdling nature, and radiate to other parts of the body.

Food is often the trigger. The esophagus becomes irritated when the thermal regime is violated - eating very hot or cold foods; those who abuse salty foods are also at risk. The cause of biliary colic is considered to be the presence in the diet of fatty foods rich in bad cholesterol.

Expert opinion

Sevastyanov Roman

General practitioner, hepatologist, gastroenterologist, highest qualification category. Site Expert

Sometimes cramps occur after consuming dairy products, which is associated with lactose intolerance or the development of pathology; discomfort is accompanied by bloating and diarrhea. Pain can also occur as a result of drinking alcohol or taking antibiotics.

The list of pathological abnormalities, which are characterized by pain in the abdomen and back, includes:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • poisoning, infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • kidney disease;
  • damage to the abdominal walls;
  • pinched spine;
  • rheumatism;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • pneumonia.

It is not always possible to determine the exact cause of pain by its location. Only in classical situations the source of discomfort is located in the same place as the diseased organ.

The relationship between pain and its location with the source of its occurrence is as follows:

  1. Lower belly. Indicates problems with the urinary system. In women, similar discomfort occurs during menstruation, during pregnancy, and during inflammatory processes of the genital organs. If there is an ectopic pregnancy, pain is accompanied by vaginal bleeding.
  2. In the center of the belly. It is observed in women in the early stages of pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes. Pain is felt in the abdomen and lower back. Minor discomfort in this area is sometimes associated with poor nutrition, dysbacteriosis, or increased stress on the spine.
  3. In the projection of the stomach. Occurs with pathologies of the esophagus and intestines. Sometimes pain is closely associated with dysfunction of the respiratory system, kidney inflammation or heart attack. If discomfort is localized near the navel, this indicates diseases of the small intestine. With inflammation of the pancreas during an exacerbation, the pain also radiates to the shoulder and collarbone. The pathological condition is accompanied by nausea. If pain appears after eating, a gastric ulcer is suspected.
  4. Iliac region. If it hurts on the right side, there is a suspicion of appendicitis or problems with the cecum. With pain on the left, the sigmoid colon is affected. When pain in the abdomen is girdling in nature, this indicates the presence of kidney stones. Then the pain radiates to the genitals, to the legs, at the same time the process of urination is disrupted, and increased gas formation and nausea are disturbing. Renal colic can sometimes be confused with gastrointestinal diseases due to similar sensations.
  5. Upper right part. Discomfort in this area is associated with strangulation of a stone in the gall bladder. Then the pain is sudden, increasing, and can radiate to the neck, back, or collarbone.

Expert opinion

Sevastyanov Roman

General practitioner, hepatologist, gastroenterologist, highest qualification category. Site Expert

If the pain syndrome is intense, the patient should not be given anything to drink or take medications until the ambulance arrives.


The occurrence of pain in the stomach area, radiating to the back, can be associated both with diseases of the stomach and with pathology of other organs and systems. The pain can be sharp or dull. Acute may indicate an emergency condition. Chronic is most often a sign of a protracted illness.

Let's consider the first situation, when pain in the stomach radiates to the back.

The most common cause of stomach pain is chronic gastritis. It comes in three types: A, B and C:

  • Type A gastritis is called atrophic. Most often it occurs in old age. In this case, degenerative changes occur in the gastric mucosa, the amount of hydrochloric acid decreases, and difficulties arise with digesting food. Most often, dull pain occurs in connection with this disease.
  • Type B gastritis is associated with Helicobacter pylori.
  • Type C gastritis occurs due to reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach. As a result, the pH environment of the stomach is disturbed, the mucous membrane is damaged, and pain occurs.

A peptic ulcer is a defect in the mucous and muscular membranes. This is a more serious disease. It is fraught with perforation of the ulcer (release of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity), resulting in peritonitis.

Another reason may be malignancy. In this case, the occurrence of pain in the spine may be the cause of its damage by metastases. Cancer is also characterized by symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and severe weight loss. Sometimes you can notice asymmetry in the abdomen.

The stomach and back hurt independently of each other.

Can your back hurt at the same time as your stomach, independently of each other?

The cause of back pain in most cases is osteochondrosis and spinal hernia. Pain in osteochondrosis is associated with body position. That is, they occur with an uncomfortable posture and intensify with heavy physical activity.

The nature of the girdle pain and possible abdominal diseases

With girdling pain, there is a feeling that it permeates the body right through – from the stomach to the back and spine. To find out the cause of the discomfort, it is necessary to take into account additional symptoms.

DiagnosisDescriptionNature of pain
Duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcerDeformation, wound on the inner lining of the organDiscomfort occurs after eating. The pain is sharp, cutting, girdles. Accompanied by increased tone of the abdominal muscles, pale skin, increased sweating, and rapid breathing. At the acute stage, the patient suffers from heartburn. Vomiting becomes more frequent. Discomfort is reduced if you take a calm posture.
PancreatitisInflammatory damage to the pancreasBurning, sharp pain localized in the stomach.
Sometimes it radiates into the chest, into the shoulder blades. Symptoms worsen at night. Accompanied by vomiting, which does not lead to relief. The pulse quickens and the blood pressure rises. Thirst and shortness of breath appear. The skin becomes pale, the temperature increases. Sometimes this causes diarrhea and bloating.
Gastroduodenitis is a chronic stage of gastritis affecting the duodenumInflammation of the mucous membraneThe pain is sharp and unpredictable.
It has a girdling character. At the same time, a state of fullness, cramping pain, and flatulence are observed in the abdomen. Discomfort is more pronounced after eating. The tongue swells and a yellow coating is visible on it. At the same time, heartburn, indigestion, and sour belching are bothersome. It may make you feel sick.
Hepatic colicStones form in the gallbladder, which prevents the normal movement of urine through the ducts. This causes pain in the liver area. The cuts are given to the area of ​​the neck and right shoulder.
Their duration is up to 2-3 hours. Vomit contains bile impurities. There is bloating and discomfort when palpating it. The urine darkens and the skin becomes yellow. Sometimes there is a feverish state.
Pyelonephritis at the acute stageKidney inflammationAccompanied by cutting, nagging pain.
It has a paroxysmal, encircling character. At the same time, the temperature rises and the skin becomes pale. There is chills and lethargy. Discomfort when urinating.
CholecystitisInflammation of the gallbladderThe symptoms of this disease can easily be confused with gallbladder pathologies, but there are also characteristic differences.
Discomfort begins with cramping pain piercing the right hypochondrium. If you press there, there will be severe pain, which can intensify if you lift your right leg straight up.

Unpleasant sensations increase during inhalation. There is a bitterness in the mouth. Nausea, loss of strength, and anxiety are observed.

Acute appendicitisInflammation of one of the parts of the cecumUnpleasant sensations of a dull nature originate in the navel area, spreading to the lower abdomen. Pain surrounds the back on the right side. The discomfort is growing. After 12 hours, other symptoms appear - fever begins, nausea bothers you, and the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent.
PregnancyOccurs if the pregnancy is ectopicThe pain is girdling. The temperature rises and there is vaginal bleeding. The condition may be accompanied by loss of consciousness.
OsteochondrosisDystrophic disorders in cartilage, jointsUnpleasant sensations appear during walking, when trying to turn to the side. Intensifies after lifting something heavy. Often accompanied by sneezing and coughing.

Thanks to a detailed description of pain, it is possible to determine the diagnosis with greater accuracy in order to take measures to restore the patient’s health.


To maintain the body, so that girdling pain does not occur, follow the rules that will stop the ailment.

  1. Avoid fatty foods, strong drinks, and coffee.
  2. Don't eat chocolate, cakes, pastries.
  3. Products with coarse fiber are prohibited.
  4. Drink unsweetened tea and clean, still water.
  5. Eat only warm food.
  6. Be calm, stop being nervous. In the turbulent flow of life, it is impossible to hide from experiences and stressful situations. It is common for a person to experience constant anxiety about his well-being, and this is again stress for the body. Having lost health, a person may lose his ability to work and become disabled. From endless worries and stress, the girdle pain in the stomach area intensifies.
  7. Take a walk in the fresh air, it will help you relax after a working day. In addition, the body's cells will be saturated with oxygen necessary for proper digestion in the stomach.
  8. Visit the pool. This sport calms the nerves and generally has a good effect on health. Water procedures strengthen the skeletal system, muscle mass, normalize posture, and develop joints. With a straight back, the load on the abdominal cavity is reduced.
  9. Hygiene requirements. Don’t forget to wash your hands after a walk or other work, wash vegetables and fruits, keep your apartment tidy - all this significantly reduces the risk of infectious diseases of the stomach.
  10. Thus, if the patient begins to experience discomfort, lower back pain and gastrointestinal tract pain, he should not self-medicate, as this will not give the desired results. Be smart and listen to your body! Help him cope with back and abdominal pain by contacting the right specialists in a timely manner.
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