Causes of green vomiting in adults

Causes of green vomit

The main reason is the entry of bile into the stomach, which is trying to get rid of the liquid that irritates it naturally. There may be several explanations for how this biological substance, which should be in the gallbladder, ends up in a completely different organ:

  • intestinal infection;
  • exacerbation of appendicitis;
  • biliary or renal colic;
  • severe poisoning;
  • thrombosis of intestinal vessels;
  • narrowing of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

In infancy

All of the above pathologies are rare in infants. Mothers of newborns can also sometimes observe yellow mucus in regurgitated sputum or full-blown vomiting.

Yellow or green vomiting in a child frightens parents no matter how old he is, and this unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon can occur at any age. A teenager may burp once or vomit bile due to overeating fatty foods. When vomiting recurs systematically, the child should be examined for pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction and diverticulosis. This will allow you to accurately diagnose the disease.

Sometimes bile in vomit is a reaction to drinking alcohol or cigarettes for the first time in your life. This is how the gallbladder reacts to unfamiliar toxins, throwing part of the mass it produces into the stomach.

When this happens to children, they are too weak and defenseless to make decisions. Usually the poor things lie down, periodically vomit and follow the instructions of their parents, who should not:

  • leaving the child alone;
  • give untested medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • refuse hospitalization if emergency doctors recommend doing so;
  • forcefully stuff the little victim with food, believing that this will help gain strength;
  • scream at the child, blaming him for what happened.

If a child suddenly vomits, any medications should be taken only after a doctor’s prescription. Medicines help eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and it will be very difficult for specialists to determine the cause of the attack. As a result, the disease may go undetected. If you are vomiting severely, you should definitely call an ambulance. In case of vomiting without diarrhea and fever, it is strictly prohibited:

  • use medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • do gastric lavage;
  • consume food within 7 hours after an attack;
  • leave the child unattended if bouts of vomiting recur;
  • ignore vomiting.

This condition can be caused by various diseases in the body, so it is important to pay attention to the presence of a problem in a timely manner so that it can be solved in a timely manner.

  1. Intestinal infections (gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, cholera). The appearance is associated with the consumption of water and food contaminated with E. coli, salmonella, and pathogenic microorganisms. Sphincters prevent the flow of bile into the stomach area. With the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, the function weakens. Bile enters the stomach, the contents turn green.
  2. Intestinal obstruction. The intestines are affected by compressive tumors. The release of bile is provoked. Bile comes out in yellow-green masses. The color is characteristic of impaired motor functions of the intestinal tract.
  3. The malaise could have been provoked by taking strong medications.
  4. Intoxication with exotic fruits and vegetables of bright colors: kiwi, spinach, avocado. Vomits liquid with greens.
  5. Changes in the acidity of gastric juice. The suffering will intensify with sharp, recurring pain in the abdominal area.
  6. Poisoning with chemicals, poisonous mushrooms. The stomach cannot cope, and diarrhea and vomiting often occur.
  7. Psychiatric illnesses occur with the described symptoms. Excitement, uncontrollable anger, lack of restraint of emotions lead to a nervous breakdown, provoking vomiting without fever.

Yellow or green liquid means an acute infectious disease, food poisoning. Infant botulism occurs with diarrhea and high fever. It is imperative to inform the medical institution about the problem. Immediate treatment is required; if necessary, the doctor will give a referral for hospitalization.

When teething, infants suffer from fever, loose stools, and persistent vomiting. If vomiting does not stop for a day, call an ambulance immediately.

The cause of green vomiting in children is called insufficient liver secretion. It is provoked by feeding the child fatty, fried foods. The smell of acetone accompanies the vomiting process is felt - it will push out undigested food. Sometimes mucus appears in the vomit, and pain symptoms in the umbilical area.

Newborn babies often spit up - do not confuse this with vomiting. The norm is regurgitation of 5-10 ml of stomach contents up to several times a day, which is a sign that the baby is overeating. Babies burp if they swallow air along with food. When regurgitation occurs after each feeding, the baby may not gain weight well, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The doctor will recognize the symptoms of complex diseases in time and help avoid serious consequences.

Acute appendicitis and gastroenteritis in older age are accompanied by a serious condition. Vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, and sharp pain in the child’s abdomen can occur for hours. Intestinal obstruction is an emergency condition. If the intestines hurt, the contents of the stomach become dark burgundy in color with masses of feces.

If a child has been complaining of nausea for a long time, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician to prescribe stool tests for worm eggs. When the doctor makes a diagnosis, he will prescribe the correct treatment. In an adult, migraine is the cause of periodically recurring attacks where nausea is present. Children's migraine sometimes manifests itself without a headache; at times, dizziness appears.

Use alternative medicine with the approval of your doctor, otherwise you will aggravate the situation.

  • It is recommended to chew green tea until bitterness appears;
  • Brew dill seeds, leave for at least 20 minutes, at the rate of: 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of seeds;
  • drink an infusion of mint leaves, dry parsley branches;
  • Grind the peels of tangerine, orange, lemon, pour vodka (1 glass). Take 30 drops 2 times before meals, on an empty stomach.

Traditional medicine comes to the rescue and helps strengthen the immune system. Treatment is prescribed by a medical professional.

If an adult vomits once, the nausea disappears, the urge does not recur, the cause could be indigestion. Follow a simple diet and short fasting. Avoid heavy foods.

Diet menu after vomiting:

  • unsalted food, avoidance of fried and fatty foods;
  • eat steamed, boiled vegetables, chicken;
  • exclude fruits;
  • You cannot drink sparkling water, strong tea, or coffee. Boil dried fruit compote or brew green tea;
  • Do not eat tomatoes or cabbage.

You cannot self-medicate; be sure to call an ambulance. There are several ways to make the patient feel better.

  1. Gastric lavage will remove the remaining toxins in case of alcohol poisoning in an adult. Let the victim drink 1-2 liters of water in one gulp. Induce gagging by pressing on the root of the tongue with your fingers.
  2. Sorbents remove toxins from the body. Therefore, let the patient drink activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta. If the sorbents are not accepted by the body, then a gray mass is released, rarely black-gray in color.

Vomiting symptoms do not last long - there is no need to use medications. Provide rest to the patient and monitor his condition.

Pregnant women experiencing toxicosis are subject to vomiting reactions. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink water with lemon, green tea, and eat crackers in the morning.

Well-proven remedies stop gagging: Reglan, Motilium, Aminazine.

An adult can tolerate intoxication more easily if action is taken immediately. Keep under control for signs of nausea and bitter saliva. This means that measures need to be taken in a timely manner.

Medical practice characterizes the extent of the disease by analyzing a person's stool. The excrement turns into different colors due to the consumption of foods rich in pigments. Bright orange-colored feces appear when eating pumpkin. If the vegetable was stale, then with diarrhea there will be feces with an orange pigment.

Stale tomatoes and beets provoke the appearance of purple and pink mucus. Gastric lavage and taking absorbents will help you recover.

What are the complications:

  • Convulsions occur. A lot of fluid is lost, useful elements are removed, and the balance of the human body is disrupted.
  • Vomit enters the respiratory tract along with sputum, which leads to pneumonia.
  • Exhaustion of the body occurs when the victim does not eat due to poor health and constant nausea.
  • The walls of the stomach and esophagus are damaged.
  • Stomach acid entering the mouth can cause thinning of tooth enamel.

When going on a trip with your child, seat him so that you can see the situation through the window. If you feel sick, stop. This will help prevent motion sickness.

Do not eat vegetables, fruits, or meat of questionable quality with an unpleasant odor. The expiration date is coming to an end - in stores they try to sell such products at a special price, do not fall for these tricks.

In the summer abroad, do not stay in the open sun for a long time - it will provoke heatstroke, which occurs without fever, but with vomiting.

If you feel weak or slightly unwell, drink a glass of clean water with a few drops of lemon. It neutralizes, removes toxins, improves the condition.


If the vomit has a green tint, this indicates the presence of bile in the stomach. In healthy people, bile enters the duodenum and is where it participates in the digestion of food. The sphincter prevents the reflux of intestinal contents back into the stomach. With its pathologies, green flakes appear in the vomit due to bile entering the stomach. These may be congenital anatomical features or other structural anomalies of the digestive tract, or impaired intestinal motility.

Vomiting can occur with various functional or infectious-inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. But most often this happens when poisoning is caused by low-quality or stale products. In this case, vomiting and loose stools appear within a few hours after eating such food.

Green vomiting in an adult can occur with a sharp increase in blood pressure, concussion, or motion sickness.

In addition, this condition may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system:

  • Chronic disease of the liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts in a person can cause bile to leak into the stomach, causing vomiting. This happens especially often after removal of the gallbladder, but can also occur with cholecystitis or viral hepatitis.
  • Functional insufficiency of the stomach and pancreas, lack of enzymes, mucus, and hormones can lead to the coloring of digested food green. Indeed, with such pathologies in digestion, the leading role is played by bile, which gives the vomit a green tint.
  • A similar condition can occur in the presence of a tumor. If it compresses the digestive tract, it can provoke the reflux of intestinal contents into the stomach.
  • Green vomit appears with intestinal infections. This can be rotavirus, salmonellosis, staphylococcus. Recently rare diseases such as cholera or typhoid fever also cause a similar symptom.
  • Yellow-green vomit appears when poisoned by mushrooms or toxic substances.

Sometimes severe stress, anxiety or uncontrollable anger also lead to vomiting. And often the vomit is green. Inflammatory kidney diseases can also lead to this condition.

One of the most serious causes of green vomit is intestinal obstruction. It can occur due to functional impairment or in the presence of mechanical obstacles. Tumors, polyps, cysts, adhesions or hernias can make it difficult to evacuate food naturally. In addition, a dangerous situation for health occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. In this case, green vomit also often occurs. This condition can be recognized by sharp spasms in the right side.

Associated symptoms

Rarely does a child suffer from vomiting alone. Usually it is accompanied by accompanying symptoms, by which you can try to determine the cause of the problem:

  1. Diarrhea, fever and weakness. It looks like poisoning.
  2. Diarrhea, fever and stomach pain. A clear picture of pancreatitis.
  3. Fever and pain in the right hypochondrium. This is an attack of cholecystitis.
  4. Fever, weakness, yellowish complexion. Perhaps the child caught hepatitis somewhere.

Vomiting with green mucus in a child may be accompanied by some additional signs that indicate the presence of concomitant pathologies in the digestive system. These symptoms include:

  • high temperature;
  • weakness;
  • loose stools;
  • headache.

If all these signs appear, you should definitely visit a doctor, as this will prevent the risk of complications.

Symptoms accompanying vomiting

Vomiting is always preceded by nausea. Its intensity depends on the reasons. In case of food poisoning, emptying the stomach contents brings temporary relief. In severe cases, for example, with infectious diseases, repeated vomiting aggravates the general condition of the patient.

The second accompanying symptom is diarrhea. The stool also acquires a characteristic color and consistency, which has diagnostic value in identifying the cause of the disease.

Pathological processes that can be assumed by the nature of vomiting:

First aid

When a child vomits bile with fever or other accompanying symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. While she is driving, first aid measures should be taken to ease the baby’s suffering and prevent the development of complications.

First, place the child in such a way that he cannot choke on the vomit. This should be a semi-medical position with several pillows under your head. The baby must be held in your arms or not leave the crib so that during the next attack you can immediately turn him over, allowing the vomit to come out.

As soon as your child vomits bile, rinse his mouth and then give him water, otherwise he may become dehydrated. Additionally, you can give enterosorbents (activated carbon, children's Enterosgel) so that they absorb the toxins remaining in the stomach. At very high temperatures, a children's antipyretic drug is allowed. There is no need to give any other medications before the ambulance arrives, because it is not yet known exactly what kind of disease this is.

Important! Do not try to stop vomiting with antiemetic drugs. Retention of bile in the stomach can lead to intoxication and loss of consciousness.

If green vomit is observed in a child with or without fever, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctor arrives, you must provide first aid to the baby. At home, you should ensure that your child is in a position where he or she will not choke. There is no need to let him throw his head back.

After each new attack of vomiting, you need to thoroughly rinse the child’s mouth with warm water or wipe with a damp swab. In addition, you can use a weak disinfectant solution, such as potassium permanganate or boric acid. The baby needs to be given plenty of fluids to drink. The water should be cool, and for a child over 4 years old – cold. To eliminate the urge to vomit, you can add a few mint drops to the water or use Regidron.

If green vomit is observed in a child without fever or diarrhea, then emergency medical attention is not required. If the attack recurs after a few minutes or hours, or if your health worsens, you should consult a specialist.


This condition is usually accompanied by nausea. It can be of varying degrees of severity. In case of food poisoning, the patient feels better after it. If the pathology is caused by infection or functional disorders, vomiting does not bring relief. Often there is a decrease in appetite, even an aversion to food.

And if there is a large amount of mucus, one may suspect poisoning with potent poisons or a bite from poisonous insects. Vomit may be homogeneous or streaked with mucus or blood, or pieces of undigested food.

Treatment methods

The condition of a child who has vomited bile once, without diarrhea and without fever, will stabilize within an hour. The arriving ambulance diagnoses food poisoning and leaves the little patient at home, giving the parents recommendations and a list of medications to normalize well-being (Rehydron to restore water-salt balance, Smecta for a mild adsorbing effect).

A child who is vomiting bile may be treated differently depending on the diagnosis:

  1. If functional gastrointestinal disorders are detected, choleretic agents will be prescribed: Flamin, Berberine.
  2. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, Cerucal and Motilium are prescribed.
  3. Antispasmodics will help reduce the frequency of contractions of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract: Noshpa, Spasmol.
  4. You can get rid of an intestinal infection with the help of antibiotics (strictly as prescribed by your doctor).
  5. Some babies require a mild sedative to reduce anxiety: Persen, Tenoten.

Drastic measures may be needed in acute pathological conditions: volvulus, acute attack of cholecystitis that is not subject to conservative treatment, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. In these and some other cases, it is necessary to perform an emergency or planned operation to remove a section of the intestine affected by necrosis or even the entire gallbladder (cholecystectomy).

Traditional methods

Some herbs have choleretic properties, from which you can make decoctions and add them to your child’s tea. We offer several recipes, which are recommended to be used with the permission of a doctor.

Mix immortelle or angelica leaves with chamomile flowers. Take 1 tsp. mixture, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. The child should drink this during the day before meals, so it can be divided into 3 doses.

Squeeze the juice of one lime and 100 g of cranberries. Dilute the resulting mixture (1 tbsp 100 ml of water) and give it to the child before meals.

Brew rosehip flowers and fruits (200 g) in a liter thermos and add to your child’s tea in a 50/50 ratio. Drink between meals.

The duration of use of the listed folk recipes is 10 days. Remember that this is an auxiliary treatment that does not cancel the main one prescribed by the doctor.

The first few days after vomiting bile should be as gentle as possible on the stomach. The child will have to adhere to a diet that excludes fatty, smoked, fried and canned foods. All food is at room temperature, and soda (especially colored soda: Pepsi, Fanta, Tarragon) should be temporarily prohibited from drinks.

It is not difficult to comply with the diet requirements: various side dishes (cereals, potatoes, pasta), light soups, porridges, and salads are allowed. The cutlets must be steamed. You can give boiled lean fish. Sweets are allowed if they are low-fat (cakes with cream are not allowed).

Physiotherapeutic procedures can be additionally prescribed to the child, but they are used only as part of complex therapy, after the correct diagnosis has been made. In addition, such techniques can be used for therapeutic purposes. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and strengthen the body's defenses. Physiotherapeutic procedures such as:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • water procedures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • wellness massage;
  • heat therapy;
  • aerotherapy.

Such techniques provide especially good results for pyloric spasms. Additionally, the child may be prescribed massage, breathing exercises and physical therapy.

Classification of the phenomenon

Vomiting is a symptom and can be central, toxic, psychogenic or visceral. The characteristics are divided as follows:

  1. The green color of the vomit along with the bitterness in the mouth indicates the presence of bile in the vomit. Vomiting with bile occurs with reflux gastritis, low duodenal stenosis, duodenostasis. Vomiting with bile accompanies cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and acute appendicitis.
  2. Vomiting with blood is a manifestation of ulcerative bleeding, varicose veins in the esophagus, cirrhosis of the liver, erosive gastritis, hemorrhological pancreatitis, oncology, polyposis.
  3. Vomiting of cerebral origin is present in hypertensive crises, brain tumors, head injuries, and encephalitis.
  4. Toxic vomiting is caused by food and alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, allergic reactions to food or medications.

Prevention of vomiting

To minimize the risk of vomiting bile in a child, you should feed him properly. It is unlikely that it will be possible to ban fast food, because fast food cafes are everywhere, but the consumption of harmful foods should be limited. Personal example is the first step on the path to success.

To avoid emergency conditions that manifest as vomiting of bile, you need to regularly undergo medical examination with your child and not ignore his complaints of abdominal pain. All symptoms should be taken into account and analyzed.

Vomiting with bile is not only dangerous, but also unpleasant, so parents should do everything to prevent this from happening to their child. Seeing a doctor and proper nutrition are two principles that will help reduce the risks of such a symptom and associated pathologies.

If you respond in time to the appearance of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms, the prognosis for the treatment of any disease accompanied by vomiting is favorable. Therapy is often carried out in a hospital setting. Infants and premature babies should be under the supervision of a doctor around the clock.

The lack of proper timely treatment can lead to the development of very complex and dangerous inflammatory processes, in particular peritonitis. Dehydration can also be very dangerous. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the death of the sick child cannot be ruled out.

The main measure to prevent vomiting is to eliminate provoking factors. Nutritional control is required, especially in young children. Some foods can have a negative effect on the digestive system and make the digestive organs more sensitive.

  • timely treatment of existing diseases;
  • regular examination of the child;
  • balanced diet.

If the examination does not reveal serious pathologies, then it is imperative to strengthen the immune system in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Nausea and vomiting are usually accompanied by poisoning from low-quality food products, motion sickness when traveling, and other ailments. When vomiting occurs, the body triggers a protective reaction to get rid of undigested food. Are the symptoms described dangerous to health?

What to do if a person has green vomit?

In the event that green vomit also results in a rise in body temperature, profuse diarrhea, and pain in the abdominal area, you need to seek medical help. If the patient’s condition does not allow him to see a doctor on his own, you need to call an emergency medical team. Paramedics will decide on the spot whether the patient needs to be hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. In cases where the help of emergency doctors is not needed, a therapist is called to your home.

For nausea, medications from the antacid group are usually used (see Smecta for poisoning). A special indication for their use is the presence of yellow vomit with a bitter taste. Such drugs can reduce stomach acidity. They also protect mucous membranes from the damaging effects of hydrochloric acid.

Vomiting is dangerous because water and minerals dissolved in it are lost, the lack of which leads to serious health consequences, including the death of the patient. It is for this reason that the patient must drink a lot. If the condition worsens, special drugs for oral rehydration are used.

Important! In cases of severe dehydration (dehydration), treatment is only with injectable drugs.

If there is no threat to health, you can drink herbal solutions from burdock (burdock), yarrow, milk thistle, chicory, dandelions, immortelle, and ginger.

Vomiting once is not a health hazard. Most often, this is how banal indigestion manifests itself. In this case, following a diet is indicated. To do this you need:

  • exclude fried, smoked, salty, spicy foods from food;
  • cook food using steam, grill or boil;
  • temporarily exclude vegetables and fruits containing coarse dietary fiber from the menu;
  • it is recommended to eat dishes based on vegetable broths, but not sour ones;
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee.

Read why convulsions occur during poisoning: causes and treatment of convulsive syndrome.

Find out why the body aches when poisoned: causes, characteristic symptoms, treatment.

To expectant mothers! Is poisoning dangerous during pregnancy: symptoms and consequences of intoxication.

Vomiting occurs with appendicitis. Then the patient will take a forced position and complain of pain in the abdomen. In this situation, you cannot self-medicate or resort to traditional medicine. It is strictly forbidden to take painkillers (analgesics), because this distorts the symptoms and makes it difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis, and, accordingly, can cause a medical error. This can lead to the development of such serious complications: rupture of the appendiceal process and peritonitis.


The appearance of green vomit indicates that the patient has pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular, pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the biliary system. The deviation is caused by a number of other reasons. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to seek medical help. Self-medicating or resorting to traditional medicine is potentially dangerous to health.

In some cases, the patient’s life depends on the timely provision of qualified medical care. This is why a symptom such as green vomit should be taken seriously.

Causes of green vomit

In a child, green vomit may indicate the presence of various health problems. There are a number of varieties of this reflex, namely:

  • hepatogenic;
  • cerebral;
  • psychogenic;
  • diabetic;
  • renal;
  • cardiac;
  • cyclical.

Frequent nausea and vomiting occur at night. In some cases, they are accompanied by additional symptoms, such as diarrhea and high fever. Green vomit in a child may indicate problems such as:

  • infection of the body;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • metabolic disease.

In infants, green vomit may indicate serious problems, so you should immediately visit a pediatrician for diagnosis. Yellow-green vomiting in a child can be very dangerous, as it is mainly associated with problems and pathologies of the gallbladder. In addition, diseases such as:

  • pyloric stenosis;
  • pylorospasm;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Pyloric stenosis develops due to narrowing of one section of the stomach. As a result, the passage of food is somewhat difficult. Pathology is often observed after the baby is born. Predisposing factors are considered to be endocrine diseases of the mother, as well as the use of certain medications. This is a rather dangerous pathology that threatens the life of a child.

Pylorospasm is characterized by the fact that a spasm of the pylorus occurs. It can lead to digestive problems. As a result, the baby regurgitates a lot of food. Bile is often present in vomit. The pathology is often present in newborn children, as well as if the woman was under stress and overworked during pregnancy.

Green vomiting in a child may be due to intestinal obstruction, which can occur at any age. The main reason for its occurrence is a violation of the diet.

Green vomiting in a child and a bitter taste in the mouth can be observed for reasons such as:

  • liver diseases;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • poisoning;
  • appendicitis;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • disorders in the pancreas.

Pancreatitis is a dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, yellow-green vomiting in a child is considered one of the main signs of this pathology.

Vomiting bile: what to do?

Bile is a biological fluid, the production of which is provided by special liver cells. Bile is yellow-green in color, has a mild odor and a bitter taste. The main function of the secretion is to ensure the processes of food digestion.

Vomiting of bile can occur against the background of various disorders in the digestive system and intoxications of the body. Vomiting of bile often occurs in early pregnancy.

Before starting to search for optimal treatment methods, the patient must undergo a complete examination to determine the causes of the pathological disorder. The treatment regimen is determined individually.

Brown, red and black vomit may indicate internal bleeding.

A similar sign can be considered a common symptom of some diseases, namely:

  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the stomach or esophagus;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • oncological processes;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • mechanical damage.

In the case of internal bleeding, vomiting occurs spontaneously, and the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, often in proportion to the volume of blood lost. It is urgent hospitalization, and the assistance provided by a doctor in a hospital, that will help to significantly improve the patient’s condition. The price of delay in matters of treatment in this case is extremely high.

Vomiting as a symptom of intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract is quite common. Its one-time appearance does not pose a danger to the human body; constant vomiting is dangerous.

Green vomiting in an adult is a symptom that indicates a serious pathology in the body. You cannot ignore it, nor do you engage in self-diagnosis and treatment. Why does vomit turn green and what other color can the stomach contents have?

Carrying out diagnostics

If green vomiting is observed in a child without fever, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive examination to make the correct diagnosis. The doctor initially collects data on diseases. To get a general picture of the child’s condition, tests need to be done.

If green feces and vomiting are observed in a child, this may indicate metabolic disorders or the presence of metabolic pathology. In this case, you need to take a general biochemical blood test. If a deviation in the functioning of internal organs is suspected, a urine test, x-ray, ultrasound of internal organs and consultation with specialized specialists will also be required.


If vomiting occurs once, treatment can be carried out at home. If it is not accompanied by diarrhea and fever, it is most likely indigestion or a reaction to high blood pressure, injury or stress. The measures taken must take into account the possible causes of this condition. In case of indigestion, it is necessary to take adsorbents or enzymes, follow a diet and drinking regime. In other cases, specific treatment is required.

In more serious cases, when the patient vomits a lot of green liquid, has diarrhea, a fever and symptoms of intoxication, it is necessary to contact a medical facility. This is especially important for children, since they very quickly develop dehydration, leading to death. At the same time, drinking ordinary water does not improve the patient’s condition, since a large amount of electrolytes and minerals are lost.

Treatment for green vomiting should take into account the causes of this condition. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage and enterosorbents are taken, for example, Smecta or activated carbon. Sometimes additional antibacterial drugs are required if this condition is caused by an infection. It is necessary to eliminate the causes of vomiting - reduce blood pressure, remove intestinal obstruction, remove toxins, improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

But in many cases, such measures are not enough, so special therapy is also required to overcome the urge to vomit. These may be drugs Cerucal, Metoclopramide, Domperidone. Sometimes you also need centrally acting drugs: Diazepam or Haloperidol. Antacids also eliminate nausea - Rennie, Maalox, Phosphalugel. They not only reduce stomach acidity, but also prevent belching.

If the color and consistency of the stool has also changed, anti-diarrhea medications are needed. These could be Motilium, Smecta, Loperamide.

Sometimes traditional methods are also used:

  • you can chew green tea leaves or drink this drink;
  • An infusion of dill seeds helps a lot;
  • take 30 drops of lemon peel tincture;
  • drink in small quantities decoctions of yarrow, burdock root, milk thistle, immortelle;
  • A decoction of chicory or ginger relieves nausea well.

In general, vomiting is a reflex process, accompanied by contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This activity ensures gastric emptying due to the rejection of its contents.

Often, against the background of urges, the patient’s general well-being also changes: weakness appears, the skin turns pale, and increased sweating appears. In severe cases, a decrease in blood pressure and body temperature is possible.

A common cause of urge is intoxication of the patient’s body, but there are other factors. Capable of causing disturbances, for example, malfunctions of internal organs. A diagnostic factor that allows you to determine the cause of the disorder is the shade of the vomit.

Nutritional Features

Treatment of green vomiting in a child, with or without fever, involves gastric lavage, drug treatment, and elimination of provoking factors. In addition, you must take a sorbent to remove toxins from the body. The doctor will make certain instructions regarding the restoration of the digestive tract mucosa.

Dietary adherence is required. You need to give up fermented milk products. Basically, you need to take herbal infusions, teas with honey and baked fruits.

To stop the urge to vomit, special antiemetic drugs are prescribed. It is worth remembering that there are no uniform remedies for the treatment of vomiting, since this is a sign of pathology of internal organs.

For a breastfed baby, breastfeeding should be continued even if the baby is not feeling well. If a child does not refuse feeding, it means that milk will not harm him.

If green vomit is observed in older children, then it is best to exclude completely any food for a while. All you need to do is consume as much fluid as possible. Regular mint relieves nausea well. Therefore, a child over 3 years old can be given herbal tea to drink.

After the acute period has stopped, you need to gradually give the child food. After vomiting bile, it is important to follow a special diet. At first, you need to feed your baby boiled rice. It is recommended to avoid salty and spicy foods, sweets, and fatty foods. Gradually you need to return to your usual diet, adding little meat and fish, dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables.

How to distinguish

When vomiting bile occurs, it is worth finding out the reason and what to do in such a situation. To do this, you need to make sure that the condition does not relate to food poisoning. Visual analysis of vomit will help in diagnosis.

When vomiting bile, a greenish viscous liquid comes out of a person. Sometimes it foams, sometimes it has clots or other inclusions in very small quantities.

Vomit from gastrointestinal diseases is often yellow in color. But the main distinguishing feature is the presence of undigested food. In case of food poisoning or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, the contents of the stomach are thrown out through vomiting. And it always contains food residues that are easy to identify visually.

If the vomit is red or black, this is a serious sign of gastrointestinal pathology and a protective mechanism of the body. This way you can determine gastric or bleeding.

It is important to know!

Red color is typical for the upper gastrointestinal tract and fresh blood, and black for coagulated blood. If you have this symptom, you should go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital or call an ambulance.

Drug treatment

If there is green vomiting with fever in a child, it is imperative to determine the main cause of the problem, since treatment can vary significantly. In any case, the treatment method should be selected exclusively by the attending physician. Therefore, when the very first signs of illness appear in a child, parents need to immediately seek medical help.

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After establishing the cause of the pathology, the doctor may prescribe medications such as:

  • sorbents;
  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antiemetics;
  • rehydration drugs.

Sorbents help remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. For this you can use activated carbon, Atoxil, Enterosgel, Smecta. Antispasmodics help eliminate pain caused by spasms. Children may be prescribed drugs such as Drotaverine and No-Shpa.

Antibiotics are prescribed for intestinal infections. To eliminate the infection, doctors mainly prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, in particular Azithromycin and Cefixime. Rehydration medications are required to normalize the body's water balance. For this purpose, the drug “Regidron” is mainly prescribed. Among antiemetic drugs, a child can be prescribed Motilium and Cerucal.

If a child experiences green vomiting, fever and diarrhea, it is strictly prohibited to use any medications without making a correct diagnosis. For example, in case of intestinal obstruction, it is strictly forbidden to use antispasmodics, as they can cause complications, and antiemetic drugs will interfere with the removal of toxins.

Manifestations in children

Vomiting in a child, accompanied by high body temperature and loose stools, requires immediate medical attention. If the vomit is yellow or green, this may be a sign of poisoning or an acute course of an infectious disease. The cause of vomiting in infants can be an infectious, cerebral disease, or metabolic problems. During the first few weeks, vomiting in infants occurs after feeding due to pyloric stenosis, when strong antiperistalsis of the stomach regurgitates food.

Often, teething in children is accompanied by fever and vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhea in infants can be caused by the introduction of a new product during complementary feeding. At an older age, this can be caused by a foreign body entering the stomach. If vomiting does not bring relief and continues, with difficulty breathing, then immediate fluoroscopy should be performed.

A child may vomit with gastroenteritis; in children, the pathology occurs in an acute form. Children under 3 years of age are most often exposed to viral infections.

Vomiting can be caused by an acetone crisis, which develops due to a deficiency of liver enzymes. This condition is characterized by the formation of excessive amounts of acetone and ketone bodies in the child's blood. An acenomic crisis occurs suddenly, the child’s temperature rises and vomiting begins. First, undigested food is regurgitated, then a green mass with bile, and finally vomit with white mucus. There is a characteristic smell of acetone from the mouth. An acetone crisis may be preceded by a diet rich in fried and fatty foods, parasitic infestations, and infectious diseases.

The main symptoms of the pathology can manifest themselves in the form of general weakness, lack of appetite, the child may complain of pain in the umbilical area. Children with this diagnosis have pale skin with an unhealthy glow, they are very mobile and irritable. Ketone bodies are found in the urine of a sick child, and ultrasound shows an enlarged liver and pancreas. The disease is life-threatening for the child and requires medical attention. Before the doctors arrive, you can give your child small doses of Borjomi mineral water or Regidron solution. To alleviate a serious condition, infusion therapy with rheosorbilacts, glucose, ascorbic acid and Ringer's solution is used. The sick child is prescribed a special diet.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can only be used after prior consultation with a doctor. You can stop vomiting using such means as:

  • green tea leaves, you need to chew them or make tea;
  • infusion based on dill seeds;
  • walnut leaves and fruits mixed with horsetail;
  • infusion of citrus peels;
  • tincture based on caraway seeds and nutmeg.

All these folk remedies do not replace basic treatment. Their action is primarily aimed at strengthening the immune system. Citrus and ginger tea will help reduce nausea and the gag reflex.

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Beetroot juice helps eliminate stagnation of bile, as well as normalize well-being after vomiting. To prepare it, you need to boil the beets until half cooked, then grate the vegetables and squeeze out the juice. It is recommended to take the finished product before meals.

Pumpkin seeds help normalize bile production. This remedy also helps get rid of worms. Tea made with peppermint helps cope with nausea and vomiting. For chronic pancreatitis, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed juices of carrots, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.

Preventative measures for green vomit

Adults should drink sweetened liquid, but not in large quantities.
It will be very correct if after this you take a horizontal position and try to get some sleep. If the body is subjected to physical stress, this will only contribute to the occurrence of vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. As for children themselves, we can only say that they should not be given a lot to drink and eat, this will cause vomiting. It's best to have small snacks.

If you follow what is described above, you can prevent the development of such a condition. To do this, you just need to watch what you eat and in what form.

Nausea combined with vomiting is an alarming signal indicating health problems. And if a child vomits bile, parents always have cause for concern, since the condition is associated with abdominal pain, a bitter taste in the mouth and an increase in body temperature. Gastric masses are yellow, green or yellow-green. They cannot be ignored. The child needs to be given all possible help and then see a doctor.

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