Stomach neurosis: everything inside hurts, itches and “asks to come out”

When does it all start...

According to statistics, which recognize only facts, “orgy” in the stomach can begin from the very moment when a small child suddenly realizes for the first time: people who seem to be called upon to please him in every possible way, it turns out, also have their own needs and desires!
Yes, and the limit of patience too! And when an adult, having reached this limit, in his hearts for the first time shouts in his face harshly: no! - with the addition of everything that he thinks about the (lousy) child, it is not at all a fact that he will burst into tears. He may turn pale, remain silent, and even begin to tidy up scattered toys.

But his stomach and intestines can “drench” with invisible “tears”, responding with a decisive reflex - diarrhea. Or vomiting. Or by “shooting” both of them together.

And, although from now on the child becomes less “irresponsibly playful” and fidgety while eating, “understanding” how serious and important this act is for the peace of mind of adults who want “only the best” for him, the “slap in the face” inflicted on the psyche will “burn” inside him body for a long time. Often - throughout a not-so-short human life.

But growing up happens quickly, gradually feelings become more and more stingy, the need for their violent manifestation comes less and less often, and sensitivity to other people’s emotions becomes less and less. A growing person will no longer go to his mother to talk about his unrequited first love - he “maturizes”, “grows a bark” to protect him from everything in the world, until he is completely covered with it.

Now, having heard the next thing: what rubbish you are! - He won’t even move his ears anymore. Externally. But after half an hour he will ask for “something for his stomach.”

It’s such a habit among people that they address any spasm – and pain in general – to this organ. And if, due to strong resentment or another emotion, vomiting appears, and even with diarrhea, then “the verdict is final, not subject to appeal.”

In the case described, this is what happens: another insult - pain in the “stomach” - diarrhea - vomiting. But for the mother, only the last three facts are obvious - the offense is not visible!

When such a “pattern” begins to repeat regularly, a concerned mother begins to take her child to doctors’ offices, who either diagnose gastritis, or gastroduodenitis, or suspect an ulcer that is “early for its age.” At the same time, the studies carried out give either scanty or negative results, the treatment gives nothing at all, and the child has already lost a lot of weight - “haggard”.

The desperate mother passes on the habit of “getting examined” to her young wife (after all, years of persistent searching have already passed), but again - nothing. This continues until the complete neurotic, harassed by “examinations,” “falls into the squint” of a neurologist or psychotherapist experienced in such matters.

Next - just

A psychotherapist conducts a hypnosis session that extracts from the subconscious the original parental “slap in the face”—resentment. There is a shaming of “unscrupulous charlatans and extortionists” who previously took on the treatment of an over-aged baby. The triumph of psychoneurology and the complete triumph of truth!

But not everyone is so lucky; the majority of people (now legally called patients) continue to visit offices and write complaints against doctors.

The story only looks funny on the surface, but behind it and behind the tons of scribbled medical documentation are millions of people suffering from a lack of self-understanding, being treated in the “wrong place” and in the wrong ways, or, more precisely, simply wasting precious time.

Causes of the disease

The main reasons leading first to the syndrome, and then to the disease called gastric neurosis:

  • unshed tears of resentment, jealousy and fear;
  • daily “stepping on yourself” at work or in the service;
  • rush in business (“I’m all on my phone”);
  • conflicts, real and implied, making the stomach “weak” since childhood even weaker;
  • inability to correctly distribute time between work and rest (leading to insufficient sleep),

There are other reasons that provoke further weakening of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • the habit of eating while talking, while watching TV, email - eating “in between”;
  • addiction to fast food and everything in a row, in fact, this only creates the appearance of food and leads to the actual development of gastritis, peptic ulcers and pancreatic diseases.

They “finish off” both the body in general and the stomach in particular:

  • smoking;
  • thoughtless use of various painkillers, antispasmodics, sleeping pills and sedatives (not to mention marijuana and similar “soft” drugs).

Superimposed on genetic pathology (diabetes mellitus and others), the causes that cause a persistently pathological character and rhythm of life lead to a strengthening of the position of chronic microbial and viral infections in the body, which contributes to the destruction of the psyche and body.


First of all, it is necessary to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Treatment is carried out comprehensively:

  1. General restorative measures - correction of sleep and wakefulness, spa treatment, prescription of a vitamin complex, walks, recommendation to spend less time on TV and computer. Sports (simple morning exercises or yoga are suitable), vitamins, water and sun are very effective means in treating any type of neurosis.
  2. Relief of physiological symptoms - selection of a gentle menu, proper diet, prescription of medications depending on the main symptom. For example, drugs that reduce or increase stomach acidity, bacteria to improve microflora, drugs that relieve spasms.
  3. Elimination of stressful situations and psychotherapy. Without it, it is difficult to get rid of such a complex disease as gastrointestinal neurosis. After all, the cause of painful sensations and unpleasant conditions lies in the mind, and often even at the subconscious level - that is, a person does not even realize that he is tormented. Therefore, no pills, herbs or dietary supplements will bring complete recovery.
  4. Drug correction of neurosis using psychotropic drugs. Must be used in severe cases such as anorexia and bulimia.
  5. Physiotherapeutic treatment aimed at normalizing nervous processes: warming up, baths, massage. It is useful even for completely healthy, but slightly tired people.

Complaints and symptoms

The main “local” complaints “tied” to the stomach include a perverted feeling of hunger. It may appear as:

  • nervous chewing, despite the absence of food in the mouth;
  • constant thoughts about food;
  • an obsessive desire to eat, despite the fact that you have just eaten a hearty meal.

So is its opposite - the feeling of disgust experienced from the smell of food (and even at one glance at it or at the thought of it).

The consequence of perverted anorectic thinking about food is the following physical anorectic symptoms of gastric neurosis:

  • nausea followed by vomiting of eaten food;
  • various pains and discomfort in the upper third of the abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness in the pit of the stomach;
  • heartburn of varying intensity;
  • “rumbling” and bloating in the abdomen;
  • nervous colic-spasms.

Thus, with an objective look at the patient, the doctor can only note more or less pronounced asthenia, a pronounced reflex from the root of the tongue (not necessarily), the presence of plaque on the tongue (not always) and pain on palpation in the epigastric region that raises doubts about its reliability.

But the patient’s neuropsychic sphere is represented by a much greater wealth of manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • “jumps” in blood pressure;
  • constantly “covering” migraines;
  • various sleep disorders (inability to fall asleep, waking up in the middle of the night in a state of severe anxiety);
  • hyperirritability, leading to panic attacks and phobias;
  • palpitations, pain in the heart and a feeling of a “heavy heart”;
  • frequent diuresis.

Rehabilitation period

After treatment it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course. During it, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist, eat right and avoid physical activity. Avoid stress, nervous tension and fully devote your time to your favorite activities. Try to get rid of bad habits. All these simple techniques will help prevent hysterical stomach neurosis in the future.

Stomach neuroses in any form cause a person a lot of inconvenience. Because of them, appetite is disrupted, pain in the stomach, heartburn and other discomfort appear. Proper and timely treatment will help you defeat the disease and prevent its recurrence.

  1. Intestinal inflammation symptoms and treatment with antibiotics
  2. Antibiotic treatment for intestinal dysbiosis symptoms in adults
  3. Neurosis symptoms and treatment in women forum
  4. Neuroses: symptoms in adults, treatment

Diagnosis: suspect neurosis...

The paucity of objective symptoms with a wealth of subjective sensations prompts a number of laboratory and instrumental studies, including:

  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS);
  • fluoroscopy (or radiography) of the stomach;
  • analysis of gastric juice and duodenal contents;
  • Ultrasound of the hepato-pancreatic system (liver and pancreas);
  • biochemical studies of blood and urine;
  • general blood and urine tests (a mandatory minimum for any study).

To verify the diagnosis, the general practitioner must involve not only a surgeon (or gastroenterologist), but also a neuropsychiatrist (or psychiatrist) in cooperation with him.

Goals and methods of therapy

There are several important points in the treatment of such a pathology as gastric neurosis.
The first is the patient’s “fatherly” conviction that he has a neurosis with all its frightening consequences (with a gentle indication of the door to the psychoneurologist’s office), and not an irritated one: how many times can you repeat that you have nothing?!

And only after a course of “cause-detachment” therapy has been carried out under the guidance of a specialist, the second stage is possible - you can begin to treat actually existing changes in the organs.

Therefore, the main emphasis is on the use of psychotherapeutic (hypnotherapy and related) methods, enhanced by:

  • taking tranquilizers recommended by a doctor;
  • the use of physiotherapy and balneotherapy;
  • stay at the resort;
  • carefully thought out herbal medicine and vitamin therapy.

Strict adherence to the diet prescribed by the doctor, abandonment of the usual nicotine intoxication and random “swallowing of pills with or without reason” also help restore the balance of reactions occurring in the nervous system, which, once restored, will regulate everything else.

What is gastric neurosis?

In general, neurosis is a general name for dozens of disorders that arise due to stress or psychological trauma. It seems that this applies only to the higher nervous system, but in fact, neurosis can occur in any organ, because all systems of our body are rich in nerve endings. So, when, as a result of psychological problems, the functioning of the stomach is disrupted, they speak of gastroneurosis.

This is a common disease. It mainly affects middle-aged people, mostly women - they are more vulnerable emotionally and less resistant to stress than men.

Consequences of the disease

With timely (and adequate cause) treatment, complications and consequences of gastric neurosis are not observed.

However, both with complete ignorance of the processes occurring in the body, and with excessive enthusiasm for “examinations”, untested methods of “folk” magic and healing, as well as due to uncontrolled or excessive use of medications, the following are possible:

  • further neuroticization of the patient’s personality (up to severe mental pathology);
  • the appearance of truly serious diseases of the body (and not only the gastrointestinal tract) with severe anorexia, leading to the cessation of the body’s intake of the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Treatment of the disease

The main method of treating the disease is psychotherapy, aimed at eliminating the cause of neurosis, restoring mental health and emotional background.

Therapeutic measures may be as follows:

  1. Taking medications. To relieve stress and tension, the doctor may prescribe sedatives, which are selected individually for the individual patient.
  2. Psychotherapeutic sessions. Conversations with a specialist will help you find out the causes of neurosis and eliminate them.
  3. Visiting a nutritionist. Based on the results of a gastroenterological examination, the doctor will create a special diet that will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Physiotherapy (massage, swimming, etc.). The procedures will help the patient relax, improve mood and overall well-being.
  5. A trip to the sanatorium.
  6. A healthy lifestyle (eating healthy, walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits).

Folk remedies are also effective in the fight against stomach neurosis. Just remember that they must be used after consultation with a specialist.

Herbal teas made from oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort, and mint will help relieve nervous tension and relax the patient. Flax seeds, lavender and yarrow help eliminate pain in the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite and digestion.

Prevention of pain and illness: I come from childhood!

Neurotics are “closed-minded” people who do not see a way out of their life situation.
Their life is like a circle: you cannot quit your job because there is “no time” to think about another, and “there is no time” because all the time is carried away by the performance of official duties and the desire to live up to the “high trust placed in them.” These are people with an exaggerated sense of duty, and only a strong-willed effort designed to make the rhythm of their lives tolerable can help them part with it. It’s not their effort – it’s someone else’s, from a side they don’t even look at!

In addition to relaxation, qigong techniques and other “foreign” practices, those suffering from gastroneurosis should be given a helping hand by their parents, whom their grown-up children still hate, resenting them, continuing to be afraid and avoiding communication with them. After all, nothing can warm up a heart and mind “frozen” by resentment and fear like a peaceful and cozy tea party in the evening on the veranda in your parents’ house!

After all, just by looking at the terrifying “monster” up close, you can understand that it is just a tall bush menacingly stretched out in the night.

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