Dates: can you eat with pancreatitis?

The main thing for pancreatitis is to adhere to dietary nutrition during the period of illness. With different developments of the disease, a certain type of food, as well as berries and dried fruits, is allowed to be consumed. Berries and dried fruits are consumed either raw, in compotes and as additives to culinary recipes.

Fruits and berries are useful for their vitamin content, since by consuming them the body receives the required and essential nutrients and vitamin complex. True, many of them can bring their own complications with inflammation of the pancreas. From lovers of exotic foods, we often hear the question, is it possible to eat dates for pancreatitis? Will they harm the clinical picture of the disease?

Useful properties of dates

So is it possible to eat dates with acute or chronic pancreatitis? Exotic fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances and minerals. The product is widely used in cooking, wine production, and culinary dishes. They are eaten both raw and dried.

In traditional medicine recipes, dates are a remedy for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, which makes this natural product indispensable for many diseases. What beneficial substances are contained in this natural product:

  • group of vitamins A, E, PP, C, complex vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6;
  • minerals, sodium, fluorine, aluminum, sulfur, boron, zinc, iron, cobalt;
  • essential oils;
  • glucose;
  • 22 types of amino acids.

Not every product can boast of such useful content in its composition. Dates also bring beneficial effects when consumed in any form:

  • improve appetite;
  • strengthen the human immune system;
  • strengthen connective bone tissue;
  • stabilize visual functions.

Doctors' recommendations for use in the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory infections;
  • heart diseases;
  • ODS;
  • joint inflammation;
  • oral disease;
  • strengthening agent for physical and psychological stress;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

The fruits of palm trees and dates, for pancreatitis, create conditions for complete recovery from this type of disease, but only during a stable state of the disease, without signs of deterioration.

Acute stage of pancreatitis and dates

During the acute phase of pancreatitis, severe damage occurs to the tissues of the pancreas and its mucosa. Pancreatic juice activated in the ducts begins to corrode the walls of the pancreas. Therefore, if an acute attack occurs, complete rest and fasting treatment are recommended for 2-3 days, which will stop the production of digestive juice and stop the development of the disease.

Although nature has endowed dates with a huge amount of useful properties, essential oils and coarse fiber make the product prohibited for use during the acute phase of the pathology. It is necessary and possible to consume dates for pancreatitis only during a period of stable disease without the development of acute attacks of the disease.

What negative impact will the consumption of dates have during the period of unstable remission of pancreatitis:

  • a huge amount of glucose and sugar-containing substances entering the bloodstream will provoke an accelerated metabolism, which will create a strong load on the pancreas during pancreatitis;
  • Date fruits have the ability to ferment due to their high sugar content, which will cause diarrhea and pain in the intestines;
  • coarse fiber will create pain and colic in the intestines.

After the onset of remission, dates are introduced into the diet, but consumption occurs only in ground form, since the fragile body will receive an additional load on the pancreas, which at this stage will bring consequences.

Dates and pancreatitis

During the acute phase of the disease, the patient must follow a strict diet. Most doctors do not recommend eating dates during the acute phase of pancreatitis, since dried fruits contain a large amount of sugar, and the pancreas in an inflamed state is not able to process it. The rough skin of dates is difficult to digest, so the patient may experience acute pain in the stomach, upset stool, etc. Although some doctors claim that during this period of illness, the fruits of date trees can be eaten in the form of mousses, jellies and compotes.

Important! If a patient with pancreatitis has developed diabetes mellitus, then eating dates is contraindicated.

Dates can be eaten during chronic pancreatitis and during periods of stable remission; the recommended dose of dried fruits should not exceed 10 pieces per day. However, this is only permissible for patients with stable carbohydrate metabolism who are not obese. Dried dates are allowed to be eaten no earlier than two weeks after the exacerbation phase subsides.

Fact! By eating 10 dates, the patient receives a daily dose of iron, magnesium, sulfur and copper.

Patients with pancreatitis can cook date compote. There are many recipes for this drink - with ginger, lemon, banana, etc.

Dates for pancreatitis can be introduced into the patient’s menu gradually, preferably without the peel, in pureed form. Dried fruits are added to various dishes, compotes and jelly are made from them. During the period when the disease subsides, dates have a beneficial effect on the body: they help reduce the production of enzyme substances and reduce swelling of the pancreas.

Is it possible to eat dates for pancreatitis? This is a controversial question. Dried date palm fruits, as everyone knows, are famous for their considerable number of beneficial properties. What are the 23 amino acids in the composition and the absence of cholesterol! But the harsh diet of patients with pancreatitis put an end to more healing berries, vegetables and fruits. What do qualified specialists say about this?

Dates and the remission stage

After a pancreatic attack, can dates be consumed during pancreatitis while the disease is progressing smoothly? You can, but at the same time adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and the prescribed diet.

Pancreatitis after the acute phase becomes a chronic form of the disease, since it is very difficult to completely cure the disease. In the chronic form, an exacerbation occurs every year, especially during the spring and autumn weakening of the human immune system. By following the recommendations in nutrition and treatment, the disease recedes.

After pancreatitis enters the stage of remission and stability, and the state of health does not show any side or concomitant diseases, especially diabetes, these fruits are eaten. Added to prepare meat dishes, baked goods, and vegetable salads.

What are the benefits of adding dates to food for pancreatitis in a state of stable remission:

  • a weakened body receives support to fight harmful and dangerous microorganisms;
  • relieves muscle swelling, relieves inflammatory processes in the body;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • maintains mental and physical condition in a normal social form;
  • helps strengthen the myocardial muscle;
  • partially relieves pain syndromes, thanks to the oxytocin contained in it;
  • enriches the body with essential nutrients and vitamins.

Date fruits in remission

Dates can be used for baking.
It is quite difficult to completely cure pancreatitis, so the disease becomes chronic. Periodically, the disease returns in the form of attacks and exacerbations, but if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and diet, a stage of stable remission occurs.

If, during the period of calm of pancreatitis, the patient is not diagnosed with insulin deficiency, sugar-containing foods, in particular dates, are included in the diet. Dried fruits can be eaten without crust or used for making baked goods, meat, and salads.

Benefits of eating dates during remission:

  1. The fruits help in exterminating microbes and parasites, the effects of which are difficult for a weakened body to resist.
  2. Dried fruits increase the resistance of tissues and cells to the occurrence of inflammation, malignant tumors, fibrotic processes of replacement of functional areas with inert ones. This is facilitated by the high content of phenolic antioxidants present in dried fruits.
  3. The fruits stabilize the patient’s psycho-emotional state due to their mild antidepressant and hypnotic effects.
  4. Due to the increased potassium content (100 g of dried fruit contains 700 mg of the mineral), dates strengthen the myocardium.
  5. Dried fruits can facilitate childbirth due to the presence of a natural pain reliever - oxytocin.
  6. Fruits enrich the body with missing copper, sulfur, and magnesium. Ten fruits contain a daily dose of these microelements.

Beneficial properties and harm

These fruits, which come to people's tables more often in the form of dried fruits, are rich in amino acids, they contain 23 of the 26 existing organic compounds. A number of mineral substances were found in sweet products: calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, sodium, but most of all potassium in dates (100 g of product contains 696 mg of this element).

Dried fruits contain vitamins of groups B (B1, B2, B5, B6), A, E, C, PP and K.

If you regularly eat just a few fruits, the body receives the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. Dates with water are a daily breakfast, lunch and dinner for some tribes in African countries. Such a menu does not change throughout a person’s life, but he feels good.

Sweet dried fruits have healing properties:

  1. Strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of catching a cold or viral infection.
  2. Dates improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, preventing the development of anemia, lowering blood pressure, strengthening the heart muscle and making blood vessels elastic.
  3. Reduce severe pain during labor by increasing contraction of the uterine muscles.
  4. After childbirth, illness, physical and mental fatigue, dates quickly restore a weakened body.
  5. Reduce nervousness.
  6. Helps cure respiratory diseases.
  7. Prevents the formation of carcinogens and slows down the aging process.
  8. Strengthens gums.
  9. Prevents the development of malignant tumors in the stomach and intestines.

Although the fruits of date palms have many beneficial properties, they should be eaten in small quantities, because... They are high in calories and quickly increase blood glucose levels.

Therefore, people prone to obesity and people with diabetes are advised to avoid these dried fruits. The carbohydrates found in dates destroy tooth enamel in people with caries. And since this product takes a long time to digest in the gastrointestinal tract, it contributes to constipation in pregnant women, people who are sedentary and with slow intestinal motility.

The benefits of dried fruit

The composition of dates is rich in substances vital for the human body:

  • vitamins A, C, E, K, PP, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6);
  • microelements sodium, fluorine, phosphorus, aluminum, potassium, calcium, ferrum, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, manganese, zinc, selenium, sulfur, boron;
  • essential oils;
  • different types of sugar compounds;
  • 23 types of amino acids, including glutamine and tryptophan.


  • increase appetite;
  • increase the body's resistance to infections and viruses;
  • strengthen muscle tissue;
  • increase visual acuity.

Fruits are recommended for diseases:

  • respiratory system, including asthma attacks, central nervous system, heart and blood vessels;
  • ORZ, ORV;
  • joints;
  • gums with profuse bleeding.

And also during increased mental and physical activity, to prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, to facilitate delivery, stabilize blood pressure, rejuvenate the body, prevent the accumulation of toxins, and strengthen the immune system.

How to choose and store correctly?

Fruits that have not had time to fully ripen on palm trees are often brought to Russia. Such dates are dried in ovens or soaked in sugar syrups, due to which they become more nutritious and their beneficial properties are reduced. But there are also quality products on sellers’ shelves. They can be recognized by their appearance. Ripe dried fruits have a dark brown color, a matte surface without cracks, dates should not be sticky to the touch.

Industrial intervention in the drying process can be guessed from the following signs:

  1. Peeling of the skin and cracks on it.
  2. Shiny surface and sugar crystals appearing on the skin.
  3. Packed and sticky fruits.
  4. Products with a fermented smell and fried taste.

It is better to buy dates with pits, because... they are less often subjected to heat treatment.

After purchasing, dried fruits should be stored in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed plastic container. If the product needs to be left untouched for a month or more, the container should be placed in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to eat dates if you have pancreatitis?

People with pancreatic disease need to eat right, but since sweet dates are healthy foods, they are included in the menu of a person with pancreatitis, taking into account the form of the disease (acute or chronic), as well as the period (remission or relapse).

In acute form

If a person gets pancreatitis for the first time in his life, the pathology is often acute and bothers the victim with severe pain. At this time, it is better for him to completely give up not only dates, but also other food for several days. After therapeutic fasting, palm fruits are not included in the patient’s diet, since against the background of pancreatic inflammation they can worsen the person’s condition. Digested dried fruits provoke intestinal colic and cause fermentation, manifested by bloating and loose stools.

Recipes for delicious dishes and drinks with dates

Various dishes are prepared from dates, but for patients with pancreatitis, drinks made from dried fruits are better suited.


To prepare compote you need 100 g of palm fruits, 3 large apples, a pinch of cinnamon and 1.5 liters of water. Apples are peeled from seeds and cut into slices, dried fruits are poured with warm water for 10 minutes, washed and the seeds are removed. After placing the dates and apples in the pan, add water and bring it to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, add cinnamon. After 5 minutes, turn off the gas and cool the drink to +37°C.


To prepare jelly, boil 200 g of dried fruits, 100 g of sugar and a little cinnamon in 3 liters of water until the fruits are soft. Dilute 3 tbsp in 200 ml of warm water. starch, pour the mixture into date jelly, heat without letting it boil, and remove from heat. Add 1 glass of natural grape juice, mix and pour into portions.

Serve the jelly chilled, garnishing it with whipped cream.

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It is believed that these fruits contain all the substances necessary for the functioning of the body. The fruits are dried, boiled, fried, and added as additional ingredients to various dishes of many folk cuisines.

A special place is given to these fruits, of course, in desserts.

Why are dates so good for our health?

The nutritional properties of dates have been known since ancient times. Dried date palm fruits allowed the Arabs to endure long hikes, since their composition is rich in carbohydrates containing natural sugar, which makes these fruits an energetically valuable product.

In addition to their wonderful taste, these orientally sweet fruits have many health benefits due to their high content:

  • vitamins, including A, E, K, group B;
  • sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, fluorine, zinc and some other minerals;
  • natural oils and sugars;
  • large amounts of essential amino acids.

Dates are recommended for increasing the protective functions of the body, improving vision and appetite, during mental and physical stress, and also as a wound healing agent for bleeding gums.

At first glance, dates should be part of a balanced diet, given all their positive properties. However, is it possible to eat dates for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? Will these tasty fruits benefit patients suffering from these diseases?

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the human body, pancreatitis is often accompanied by cholecystitis. Both of these diseases are essentially an inflammatory process. Pancreatitis affects the pancreas, and cholecystitis is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder. Patients suffering from these ailments are required to follow a special therapeutic diet.

For cholecystitis, it is recommended to eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, with the exception of sour berries. Thus, date palm fruits can be introduced into the diet after consulting with your doctor.

Benefits of dates

In addition to excellent taste, these fruits also have many health benefits. Therefore, they have found wide application in cooking and confectionery. Nutritionists advise eating a couple of fruits instead of sweets if the craving for sweets is irresistible. Doctors of various specializations also had their say regarding the benefits of eating dates. The fruits of date palms strengthen the immune system and prolong a person’s life. The medical community notes the positive effect of the fruit on:

  • gastrointestinal tract,
  • vision,
  • condition of muscles and bones,
  • arterial pressure.

The beneficial properties of fruits lie in the huge amount of minerals in their composition. Thus, the following were found in dates:

  • zinc,
  • potassium,
  • fluorine,
  • calcium,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • selenium.

The high content of vitamins B, K, E, A, and natural sugars makes these fruits a real vitamin bomb, which very quickly saturates the body and enriches it with the substances necessary for functioning.

Not every fruit or vegetable can boast of so many vitamins and minerals that nature generously endowed the date with. People have long noticed these beneficial qualities, so dried date palm fruits have always been a reliable supply of nutrients on long journeys.

Also, the fruits of the date tree contain 23 amino acids. All this makes the fruit a welcome guest in the diet of any person. But what can we say if the pancreas is “no longer the same”? Will dates benefit those suffering from acute or chronic inflammation of this gland?

Dates for the acute stage of pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of this disease, patients are prescribed therapeutic fasting, and then a mandatory special diet aimed at normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs, including the pancreas.

Since in the acute form of pancreatitis the inflammatory process is at its peak, the diet during this period is strict and extremely moderate. Is it possible to eat dates for pancreatitis during an exacerbation?

No, due to the need to introduce a strict diet, dates are contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease, since they can provoke complications of the following nature:

  • given the glucose content in fruits, they can create additional unnecessary stress on the diseased pancreas;
  • may cause bloating and stool disorders;
  • provoke spasms in the intestines.

After the body has begun to eat in a normal manner for the disease state, it is possible to use dates as an ingredient in dishes such as jelly, jelly, and compote.

Due to their high potassium and sodium content, dates help reduce swelling of the pancreas. Glutamic acid also helps reduce enzyme activity, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition.

However, please note that you should not independently introduce dates into your diet for acute pancreatitis; it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist on this issue.

After analyzing the patient’s condition, the doctor will tell you exactly whether this sweet delicacy is worth adding to the menu, or whether it would be better to temporarily abstain.

Fetuses during the acute phase and during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

A special place is given to these fruits, of course, in desserts.

The nutritional properties of dates have been known since ancient times. Dried date palm fruits allowed the Arabs to endure long hikes, since their composition is rich in carbohydrates containing natural sugar, which makes these fruits an energetically valuable product.

In addition to their wonderful taste, these orientally sweet fruits have many health benefits due to their high content:

  • vitamins, including A, E, K, group B;
  • sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, fluorine, zinc and some other minerals;
  • natural oils and sugars;
  • large amounts of essential amino acids.

Dates are recommended for increasing the protective functions of the body, improving vision and appetite, during mental and physical stress, and also as a wound healing agent for bleeding gums.

At first glance, dates should be part of a balanced diet, given all their positive properties. However, is it possible to eat dates for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? Will these tasty fruits benefit patients suffering from these diseases?

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the human body, pancreatitis is often accompanied by cholecystitis. Both of these diseases are essentially an inflammatory process. Pancreatitis affects the pancreas, and cholecystitis is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder. Patients suffering from these ailments are required to follow a special therapeutic diet.

As for the question of whether it is possible to eat dates with pancreatitis, everything is not so simple. Are dates and pancreatitis compatible?

During an exacerbation of this disease, patients are prescribed therapeutic fasting, and then a mandatory special diet aimed at normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs, including the pancreas.

Since in the acute form of pancreatitis the inflammatory process is at its peak, the diet during this period is strict and extremely moderate. Is it possible to eat dates for pancreatitis during an exacerbation?

No, due to the need to introduce a strict diet, dates are contraindicated during an exacerbation of the disease, since they can provoke complications of the following nature:

  • given the glucose content in fruits, they can create additional unnecessary stress on the diseased pancreas;
  • may cause bloating and stool disorders;
  • provoke spasms in the intestines.

After the body has begun to eat in a normal manner for the disease state, it is possible to use dates as an ingredient in dishes such as jelly, jelly, and compote.

Due to their high potassium and sodium content, dates help reduce swelling of the pancreas. Glutamic acid also helps reduce enzyme activity, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition.

After analyzing the patient’s condition, the doctor will tell you exactly whether this sweet delicacy is worth adding to the menu, or whether it would be better to temporarily abstain.

The chronic course of this disease allows you to expand the patient’s menu, diversify it with products that were prohibited during an exacerbation. Is it possible to eat dates with pancreatitis if the disease has become chronic? Is it possible to have dried dates for pancreatitis?

As a rule, nutritionists have a positive view on the use of dried date palm fruits, because they are very healthy.

Experts recommend eating no more than ten fruits per day. This dose, according to doctors, is enough to enrich the body with vitamins and minerals that dates contain.

For chronic pancreatitis, the healing qualities of these fruits will be useful:

  • have an antimicrobial effect;
  • have antiparasitic properties;
  • is a natural antioxidant and antidepressant;
  • exhibit immunomodulatory effects.

After the crisis has passed and the exacerbation is behind us, doctors recommend diversifying the patient’s menu. The fruits of the date palm, rich in vitamins and minerals, will benefit the patient, if, of course, the patient strictly adheres to medical recommendations and does not violate the norms of consumption.

It is important to understand that this article is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate!

The dietary menu must also be developed by a competent specialist. Is it possible to eat dates for cholecystitis and pancreatitis? Only a doctor can decide. These diseases are quite insidious and prone to relapse. The diet during their treatment is designed to speed up the healing process, and following a balanced diet will help you forget about these ailments once and for all.

Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to following a therapeutic diet.

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  • daily calorie content is 2,600 – 2,800 kcal;
  • proteins about 120 g/day (no more than 60% animal proteins);
  • vegetable fats – about 15 g/day, animal fats – 65 g/day;
  • carbohydrates – no more than 400 g;
  • sugar – only 1 tablespoon/day;
  • instead of sucrose - 20-30 g of sorbitol or xylitol per day;
  • salt – no more than 10 g;
  • liquids - 2.5 liters, without gas;
  • white bread (yesterday's) - no more than 250 g/day.

Principles of the 5p table

To improve digestion in diseased organs, you need to follow the following nutritional principles:

  1. meals – 5-6 times a day, in small portions;
  2. the temperature of food taken is about 40 degrees;
  3. the total weight of food per day should not exceed 3 kg;
  4. the basis of the diet is protein foods;
  5. fried, salted and pickled foods should be excluded;
  6. vegetables should be boiled or steamed;
  7. soups - either vegetable or meat broth;
  8. drink drinks based on chicory flowers;
  9. Eat chicken eggs (or better yet, only whites) 2-3 times a week in the form of omelettes and boiled eggs.
Can It is forbidden
Rusks and yesterday's white bread Alcohol
Vegetarian soups Rye bread
Beetroot Puff pastry
Zucchini Fresh bread
Boiled lean meat and fish (you need to cook without skin) Baking
Steamed egg white omelettes Broths: meat, fish
Porridge: buckwheat, semolina, rice, oatmeal Borsch
Carrot By-products
Potato Okroshka
Green pea Milk soups
Pumpkin for cholecystitis and pancreatitis Smoked products
Boiled vermicelli Full fat dairy products
Ripe, non-acidic fruits that need to be ground Porridge: millet, wheat, corn
Baked apples Legumes
Sugar-free juices from non-acidic fruits and berries Fried foods
Compotes Cabbage
Jelly with xylitol or sorbitol Radish
Low-fat fermented milk products Radish
Vegetable oil – refined, up to 15 g/day Onion and garlic
Tea with milk and lemon Eggplant
Rose hip decoction Sorrel
Butter – only for prepared foods (per day – no more than 30 g) Spinach
Savory pies with cottage cheese Bell pepper
Oatmeal jelly Animal fats
Greenery Spices
Sometimes - high-quality boiled sausage without fat Raw fruits
Sauerkraut, if it is not sour Figs
Mushrooms and mushroom broths
Mustard, horseradish
Ice cream
Products with pastry cream
Coffee, cocoa

Let's look at some individual “controversial” products:

  1. Bananas for pancreatitis and cholecystitis are allowed, but in small quantities (no more than 1 piece per day), as they contain. It is advisable to use them to add additional flavor to low-fat yogurt, casserole, pie based on low-fat yogurt and dry cookies. You can also drink banana juice, but also in small quantities.
  2. Sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, are allowed for cholecystitis and pancreatitis if the disease is in the chronic stage. This product is good for snacking. It stops inflammation of pancreatic tissue, protects tissue from destruction. But nuts are a fatty food, so you should eat no more than 15 grams of them (any) and only if you are not allergic to them.
  3. Honey for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is allowed only if the inflammation has not affected the endocrine apparatus of the pancreas and diabetes has not developed.
    In this case, the product is useful - it helps to “expel” bile that has stagnated in the gallbladder. Advice! For these diseases, you need to consume honey not whenever you want, but in the morning, on an empty stomach, dissolving a tablespoon of the product in 100 ml of water.
  4. Persimmon is not recommended for consumption for cholecystitis and pancreatitis. If you really want to eat it, then this can only be done outside of an exacerbation, and only if there is no diabetes.
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