How to make and take potato juice for the stomach

Beneficial features

Potatoes are valued as a food product, but they have many healing properties. Along with carrot, beet, and cabbage juice, potato juice has long been used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

If you use potatoes correctly, you can get a lot of healing substances from the root vegetable.

  • Potatoes have a pronounced wound-healing effect, and when taken regularly, it relieves patients from heartburn by normalizing acidity.
  • The juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect.
  • Potato juice improves and stimulates the activity of all digestive structures, provides a diuretic effect, allowing you to control blood pressure.
  • The components of potato juice coat the mucous membranes, neutralizing painful symptoms; in a hyperacid environment in the stomach, they eliminate epigastric burning. The juice quickly helps even with very severe heartburn.
  • The vitamin complex in the juice (C, PP, E, B, etc.) normalizes metabolic functions and increases the body’s resistance to all kinds of pathologies.
  • In addition, the drink provides a regenerating and antispasmodic, mild laxative effect, and actively fights intestinal pathogenic microflora.

As you can see, potato juice is a real natural first aid kit that helps with many diseases without causing any adverse reactions.

Recipes for stomach ulcers with potato juice

In general, to prepare a medicinal drink, you only need to fulfill a few conditions:

  1. Choose exclusively hard and pink tubers, as they contain the maximum amount of useful components;
  2. Rinse them thoroughly, peel them, grind them using a fine grater;
  3. Transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice, although you can also use a juicer;
  4. You can only take a freshly squeezed drink; even 10-15 minutes of storage in the refrigerator is not allowed;
  5. Before drinking, you need to shake the liquid thoroughly, and since the juice contains too many active ingredients, you need to take the drink through a cocktail straw;
  6. Before starting a course of juice therapy, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema for several days and go on a diet, excluding fatty fish and meat dishes, salted and smoked foods, hot and spices from the diet. Such a diet will provide a gentle environment for the stomach, which will increase the effectiveness of the upcoming therapy.

Following these recommendations will help you get the maximum possible benefit from treatment. A preliminary consultation with a gastroenterologist will also not hurt.

How to take a healing drink?

It is better to be treated with a potato drink no later than February, because then solanine begins to accumulate in the root vegetables, and it loses its healing qualities. It is best to begin the course of treatment in July, when the first young potatoes begin to ripen.

  • So, you should drink the freshly prepared juice immediately.
  • For a single dosage, 2-3 large potatoes are enough, although some sources say that you should start taking juice with a minimum dose of 50 ml, gradually increasing the dosage to 150-200 ml.
  • It is recommended to lie down immediately after taking it so that the medicine is better absorbed.
  • Half an hour after taking the potato drink, you can eat, but not earlier.
  • The full course of treatment is about a month.

Possible contraindications

Although such vegetable juice is incredibly beneficial for the body, it can also be harmful. This is possible if:

  • Violate the dosage regimen or dosage of a single serving;
  • If the patient suffers from low stomach acidity, since the juice has an acid-lowering effect;
  • If the patient suffers from diabetes, additional consultation is needed here, because there is a risk of increased glucose levels.

Patients leave a lot of reviews about treatment with potato drink. Here are some of them.

Maria, Moscow:

After eating, I was often bothered by severe pain in my stomach, and the ulcer I had gotten as a student reminded me of it. And it doesn’t matter at all what I eat, lean soup or a sandwich. These pains were terribly annoying and interfered with my work and even my life. I spent a long time reading articles on the Internet and found a recipe for treating ulcers with potato juice. I’ve been taking it for the third week now and will soon finish the course, although the pain went away already on the second or third day. By the way, potatoes literally fill me with energy, it seems I can move mountains.

Evgeniy, Tula:

About five years ago, doctors diagnosed me with an acute ulcer. I swallowed various pills for a long time, took injections, followed a diet, but periodically there were exacerbations. Once we went on a visit to a village, where one granny advised me to drink potato juice and said, I’ll forget about the ulcer. I laughed, but upon returning home I decided to give it a try. Already on the second day of taking the juice, I felt noticeably better, the pain went away, and the nasty heartburn that used to occur in response to any food that entered the stomach stopped bothering me. An excellent tool.

Mikhail, Ekaterinburg:

As a doctor with many years of practice, I assure you that potato juice is a very useful remedy for gastroenterological problems. It has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa, accelerating its healing in case of erosions and ulcers. But you need to take it after consulting with a specialist and undergoing a competent and thorough examination.

Correctly using a natural first aid kit, rich in useful components and vitamins, you can get an excellent therapeutic effect without risking the health of patients.

Benefits and harms

Potato juice has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antimicrobial;
  • restorative (regenerating);
  • painkillers;
  • antispasmodic;
  • diuretics;
  • immunostimulating;
  • mild laxatives.

Potato juice is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that the human body needs. But sometimes it can negatively affect health, so it should be used only if all rules and dosages are strictly followed.

Treating stomach ulcers with potato juice should not be used in diabetics. The fact is that this product can increase the blood glucose index, and this can lead to complications of the disease.

Treatment effectiveness

Treatment of a gastric disease such as an ulcer with potato juice is considered quite highly effective and safe. So, thanks to a course of therapy:

  • The inflammatory process is relieved and erosions of the mucous membranes of the diseased organ heal.
  • Prevention of relapses of peptic ulcer is carried out.
  • The functioning of the entire digestive tract improves.
  • Pain is relieved due to increased acidity of gastric juice, since the substances contained in potatoes are able to envelop the gastric mucosa.

The vitamin complex helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance to adverse external factors.


Potatoes are a private food product in our diet. At the same time, we don’t even think about how useful it can be. Since ancient times, the properties of potatoes have been used by traditional healers to treat a wide variety of diseases, including, of course, stomach ulcers. Particularly valuable in this situation is potato juice. Properly prepared juice will not only help eliminate digestive problems, but also help restore health. Therefore, it is very important to know the recipe for making juice for each individual disease, since one option is suitable for the stomach, and for another organ a completely different recipe is used.

Many people believe that potatoes contain only one starch, and there are very few nutrients in them. But this is far from true. When studying the beneficial properties of potatoes, it was found that it contains not only the well-known starch, but also a number of other useful substances:

  • highly digestible fiber;
  • proteins;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins. This list includes vitamin A, C, E, as well as B vitamins, folic acid, beta-carotene;
  • fats;
  • minerals. Potatoes are rich in phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron;
  • easily digestible vegetable protein;
  • natural sugar, very easily absorbed by our body.

Note that these substances are extremely difficult to synthesize in laboratory conditions, which makes potatoes a very valuable food product. The easy digestibility of all the beneficial substances contained in the vegetable helps normalize digestion, which is very important for people with stomach ulcers. In addition, eating potatoes is necessary to balance metabolic processes.

Rules for preparing medicine

Potato juice for stomach ulcers must be prepared correctly so that the course of therapy gives the expected results. The recipe is simple - just peel the potato tubers and grate them on a fine grater. You can puree the vegetable with a blender, pass it through a meat grinder or juicer.

It is advisable to cover the container where the ground potatoes will fall with clean gauze. This makes it easier to squeeze out the juice.

After the main manipulation is completed, you need to connect the ends of the gauze together and squeeze them well. When the juice is completely decanted, the pulp must be discarded and the finished product consumed immediately.

Sprouted or green potatoes should not be used for treatment. Its peel accumulates many harmful substances, which can lead to dangerous complications in case of gastric ulcer.

Cooking rules

Potato juice for stomach diseases is used exclusively in fresh form. To get this product, you should take 3 medium-sized root vegetables, peel them and chop them with a grater. Squeeze the resulting mass using gauze to obtain juice.

To make things easier, some people use a juicer. However, many experts recommend eliminating contact of the root crop with metal objects. It is much better to use plastic graters and other non-metallic devices for chopping vegetables.

When treating the erosive form of gastritis, juice is made from unpeeled potatoes. It is recommended to wash it thoroughly with a sponge or brush.

To get the healthiest drink, you should choose pink varieties of potatoes. “American” or “morning dew” are perfect for this purpose.

It should also be borne in mind that potato juice is only useful for the first 10 minutes.

Then all the components of this product oxidize, and it loses its healing properties.

Despite all the usefulness of this drink, many people refuse to drink it because of the unpleasant taste. However, the solution to this problem is quite simple. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey to it - just 1 teaspoon. However, this is allowed only if there are no allergic reactions to bee products. You can also use cranberry juice as a useful additional ingredient.

If a person is diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity, it is worth choosing a mixture of juices made from potatoes, beets, cabbage and carrots.

For this healthy cocktail, take the same amount of potato and carrot juice and add half the amount of cabbage and beet juice. In case of stool problems in the form of constipation, carrot and beet juice should be added to potato juice.

Features and duration of treatment

It is important to know how to take potato juice for stomach ulcers. The course of treatment should not last less than or more than 20 days. You need to take the medicine 4 times a day. The dosage should be increased gradually.

At the beginning of the treatment process, you need to take a third of a glass of potato juice. If no discomfort occurs, the next day the dose can be increased to half a glass. After - up to 3/4 cup, etc.

The effect of treating stomach ulcers with potatoes can be enhanced by mixing the juice of this vegetable with beet juice. This combination will help get rid of constipation, which often occurs with peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Features of product application

Potato juice has a pronounced healing effect on the organs of the digestive system. With its help, they successfully cope with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. This drink also effectively eliminates constipation and colic, and helps cure stomach bleeding.

Just a few days after you start drinking the juice, you can eliminate belching, bloating, and heartburn. This product can also be mixed with carrot and celery juice - this will create an excellent cleansing product.

The course of therapy for people who have heartburn, gastritis or gastritis is 3 cycles, the duration of each of which is 10 days. They take the same break between them.

To cope with these pathologies, you should drink 250 ml of fresh juice every morning. It is recommended to do this on an empty stomach and go back to bed for another half hour. You can eat food only 1 hour after this procedure.

Therapy is continued for 10 days, then a ten-day break is taken and treatment is carried out again.

To get a portion of juice, you need to take 2-3 large potatoes. There is no need to use more. It will be possible to achieve tangible results in just a few days - the condition of patients improves significantly.

With the development of gastritis with high acidity, a single dose of this drink is 3/4 cup. It should be drunk 1 hour before meals. The breaks between courses of treatment should also be 10 days.

If a person suffers from gastric ulcer, the juice should be used gradually over 18-20 days. Therapy in this case is carried out in several stages. To begin with, use 1/4 cup of juice. After a few days, the dosage is increased to half a glass. Then you should move on to drinking 3/4 cup of the drink. This remedy should be taken half an hour before meals.


Treatment of gastric ulcer with potato juice is strictly contraindicated in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, obesity and low acidity. The fact is that this remedy is taken for heartburn, and if you use it when gastric acidity is low, you can significantly suppress the production of hydrochloric acid. And this is already fraught with serious disorders of the digestive process.

Use this remedy with extreme caution for pancreatitis. Although potato juice has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of various organs of the gastrointestinal tract, in case of inflammation of the pancreas, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist about the possibility of its use.

In addition, treating gastric ulcers by taking potato juice is strictly not recommended if you have an individual intolerance to this vegetable. Neglecting this contraindication may result in a severe allergic reaction, which will aggravate the patient’s condition. As a result, instead of the expected relief of the condition, the patient risks getting more serious problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract and more.

As a rule, potato juice is well tolerated by people suffering from peptic ulcer. Patients who regularly use this remedy note improved digestion, disappearance or reduction in the frequency of heartburn, and stabilization of general well-being.

If you use this medicine correctly, the result will not take long to arrive. The main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion and not to overdo it with the dosage at the beginning of the treatment process. Then you can overcome the disease without fear of harming your health and the risk of possible complications.

Author: Elizaveta Krizhanovskaya, doctor, especially for

Beneficial properties and effectiveness of use for stomach ulcers

Potato juice
Raw potato juice is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals that normalize metabolic processes and promote the healing of ulcerative erosions. For stomach ulcers, it allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Relieves inflammation, gently enveloping the affected mucous membrane.
  2. Relieves acute pain by suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Stimulates the launch of natural regeneration processes.
  4. Normalizes the secretory function of the stomach, improves appetite and reduces nausea, especially after eating and upon waking up.
  5. Eliminates spasms, which is especially important during exacerbations.

The effectiveness of taking potato juice will not take long to appear. Initially, a person feels relief in the stomach area. Pain and discomfort disappears. Metabolism is normalized, heaviness disappears after eating. Appetite is activated and constipation disappears.

Belching and reflux of gastrointestinal juice from the organ into the esophagus and oral cavity disappear. After 10-12 days, pain and discomfort completely disappear. Potato juice improves the digestion of food and also normalizes intestinal motility.

Useful video about treating ulcers with potato juice

Potatoes are an important product without which the Slavs cannot imagine their dinner tables. In addition to taste, this product also has valuable medicinal properties. Its healing properties have been noted for a long time and are widely used in folk medicine. There are a huge number of recipes that help treat many diseases. Potato juice for stomach ulcers can heal pinpoint ulcerative lesions, as well as improve digestion and the production of gastric juice, without causing side effects.

Contraindications for use

The harm and benefits of potato juice for stomach ulcers
As we have already said, potato juice can not only cure a person of various ailments, but also cause serious harm to human health. Very often this happens to those who want to “cure” too quickly by independently increasing the dose or adjusting the frequency of drinking the drink. Considering that potato juice can lower acidity levels, it should be taken with special caution by people diagnosed with hypoacid gastritis.

Diabetics should also be careful. Such patients must consult a doctor before drinking juice, because juice can increase blood glucose levels. Pay special attention! Extracting juice from potatoes whose skins have a greenish color is strictly prohibited! This color of the root vegetable indicates that the tuber has a very high content of solanine (solanine is a highly toxic substance). Such a substance can lead to poisoning, and may also cause vomiting, loose stools, itching and drowsiness.

Of course, potato juice can be of great benefit to a person who has problems with the digestive system. But the drink can lead to a positive result only if the patient follows the instructions for use without violating the prescribed dosage.

It is worth remembering that with the arrival of February it is necessary to stop such potato therapy, because by this winter month an excessive amount of toxic substances accumulate in root vegetables. Also, you should not extract juice from potatoes that have been lying in the sun for a long time. Solanine also accumulates in the tuber from prolonged exposure to sunlight, which, as we have already mentioned, can cause poisoning.

Properties of potatoes

Potato juice, like other vegetable juices such as carrot, beet or celery juice, has many beneficial properties that are widely used in folk medicine. Provided that this product is properly prepared, it has a huge number of beneficial properties.

Potato juice treats stomach and duodenal ulcers because it can eliminate excess acidity, relieve heartburn, and also neutralize the first signs of gastritis and dyspeptic symptoms.

All this is due to the following beneficial properties that potatoes have:

  • The product has pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is widely used for gastritis, both acute and chronic. From this it follows that it is capable of not only treating ulcers, but also being a good preventive measure.
  • Potato juice also has stimulating properties to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; in addition, it has a choleretic effect, which helps normalize blood pressure and improve the absorption of acidic and fatty foods.
  • Also, this juice is able to envelop the walls of the stomach, which makes it possible to eliminate pain caused by high acidity, as well as eliminate the manifestations of heartburn.
  • The vitamins contained in this product, namely A, B PP and ascorbic acid, also have a positive effect on metabolism, and also improve the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral diseases.

It follows from this that potato juice is a kind of plant “pharmacy” that has a huge number of positive effects, with a minimal amount of invasive effects.

Useful properties and contraindications of potato juice

The pulp of potato tubers contains almost all the elements necessary to ensure the stable functioning of the human body. The freshly squeezed juice of this vegetable contains the following beneficial substances:

  • proteins, amino acids and other protein compounds involved in metabolic processes and providing more accelerated regeneration of inflamed and damaged epithelial tissues;
  • minerals, including rare metal salts;
  • vitamins of all types and folic acid, necessary for their high-quality absorption;
  • fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • carbohydrate substances that stabilize energy metabolism;
  • a large number of organic acids that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, potato juice has such pharmacological properties as:

  • almost completely eliminates the feeling of heartburn, extinguishing the increased level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • acts as a potent and at the same time natural antimicrobial agent;
  • slows down the course of inflammatory processes in the digestive system;
  • relieves spasms of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and gall bladder, relieves attacks of excruciating pain;
  • stimulates the appearance of a good appetite and improves the absorption of eaten food;
  • strengthens the local and general human immune system, increases resistance to representatives of pathogenic microflora;
  • maintains a stable level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • reduces high blood pressure, which is especially useful for people suffering from the initial stages of hypertension;
  • promotes scarring of ulcerative formations in the stomach cavity;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance, disturbed as a result of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

This is only a small part of the diseases and pathological conditions of the human body that fresh potato juice can eliminate, taking into account its regular intake and periodic observation by a gastroenterologist. Also of great importance and influence on the positive effect of the beneficial properties of this vegetable is the type of illness diagnosed in a particular patient.

In addition to a huge number of positive properties, juice squeezed from potato tubers has a number of the following contraindications for use:

  • too low stomach acidity, when the results of the examination revealed a low concentration of hydrochloric acid;
  • extreme obesity with rapid weight gain;
  • tendency to flatulence and fermentation processes of eaten food;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus with the patient’s dependence on injection insulin.

It is contraindicated to use juice from potatoes that are pressed in March or later months of the year for therapeutic purposes, since from the moment of harvesting until this time, an increased concentration of a toxic substance called solanine accumulates in the tubers. These potatoes can be easily distinguished by the rich green tint of their skin.

Solanine not only does not bring any medicinal benefit to a person suffering from gastritis or other gastrointestinal pathologies, but it can also provoke severe forms of poisoning.

Rules for preparation and consumption

Like any medicine, potatoes also have a positive effect if they are properly prepared and consumed.

  • Therefore, you need to take only freshly squeezed. Even juice that is stored in the refrigerator is not recommended as a medicinal substance. To prepare it, you can use a juicer. If there is no juicer, the potato tuber must be grated on a fine grater and then squeezed through several layers of gauze.
  • Before using the product directly orally, it must be shaken.
  • An important point is that freshly squeezed potatoes contain substances that can destroy tooth enamel, so you must drink them strictly through a straw. This will protect your teeth from the formation of caries.
  • The most suitable potatoes for therapeutic effects on the body are pale pink varieties. Such varieties contain the maximum amount of nutrients and medicinal substances that will be able to treat the stomach from gastritis and ulcers.
  • Traditional medicine recommends performing cleansing enemas for several days before starting treatment with potato juice. And in addition to all of the above, it is necessary to give up meat, as well as fatty foods, spicy, hot and smoked, this will allow you to follow a gentle regime for the stomach and, as a result, the treatment will bring the most maximum benefit.

Following all the above rules can use all the beneficial properties of potatoes, and will also provide additional help to the human body in order to fight the disease. But do not forget that sharp, drastic restrictions in diet or lifestyle can cause harm, so everything must be done in moderation and gradually.

Don’t forget to look at the body’s reaction; if you feel worse or have any new symptoms that are unusual for you, you need to consult a doctor who will adjust the treatment according to the individual characteristics of the body.

Means and methods of traditional medicine for stomach ulcers

Before starting home treatment, you need to contact a gastroenterologist and determine the form of the disease and the concentration of gastric juice. Therapy will begin with 2-3 fasting days. If the acidity of the stomach is low, you can “sit” on water during this time; if it is high, you can adhere to a strict mono-diet to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Otherwise, for ulcers, doctors focus on the following remedies and methods of alternative treatment:

  1. The use of folk recipes involving plantain, flax seed, aloe, chamomile, and calendula is encouraged.
  2. When consuming honey, it is important to exclude the risk of developing an allergic reaction and the presence of diabetes mellitus in the patient.
  3. Vegetable juices are becoming an important component of the diet, with potato and cabbage juices taking the leading position.
  4. It is effective to treat with lean porridges with minimal addition of salt and vegetable oils; properly prepared flax seed also has enveloping properties.
  5. The patient needs vitamin therapy with natural vitamins or pharmacy multivitamin complexes.

Vegetable juices

Folk remedies for stomach ulcers are no less effective than official medications. A proven budget medicine is vegetable juices, which can be prepared at home. When choosing the main ingredient, it is important to take into account the prevailing acidity of the stomach, so as not to accidentally harm your own health or aggravate the clinical picture.

Potato juice for stomach ulcers

This healing drink can be taken for the purpose of effective treatment and reliable prevention of many diseases of the digestive system. The product is affordable, budget-friendly, and has a minimum of medical contraindications. This prescription is appropriate for stomach ulcers with high acidity and provides the following beneficial changes in the body:

  • protects the mucous membrane from damage and ulceration;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • suppresses an acute attack of pain (anesthetic effect);
  • reduces high acidity;
  • stimulates local immunity.

To provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and to enhance protection against mucosal ulcers, potato juice must be prepared correctly. The potatoes must first be washed and peeled, then chopped into a fine grater. Squeeze out fresh juice through several layers of gauze or use a juicer. The drink should be drunk no later than 10 minutes from the moment of preparation. A single dose is half a glass three times a day, always before each meal. The course of treatment for stomach ulcers lasts 2 weeks, after which you need to take a two-week break.


When choosing effective folk remedies for treating stomach ulcers, it is important not to forget about the beneficial properties of this root vegetable. Taking carrot concentrate during the relapse stage of the underlying disease is strictly prohibited, and during remission, treatment should be completed in full. The duration of traditional treatment is 21 1 days without a break. The specialist's recommendations are:

  1. Drink 200-300 g of carrot juice before each meal 3-4 times a day. To better absorb vitamin A, you need to add 1 tbsp to a glass. l. vegetable oil.
  2. To prolong the period of remission, it is recommended to combine 200 ml of carrot and potato juice in one glass, and consume it orally 30 minutes before a meal. Continue treatment for 2 weeks. Such folk remedies for stomach ulcers can be alternated.


Natural cabbage juice is also included in folk recipes for stomach ulcers, as it accelerates the scarring of injured mucosal tissue. You need to drink the drink for 2 months, where after every week you take a three-day break. According to the proposed recipe, you need to wash and mince up to 5-7 sheets of fresh cabbage. Afterwards, squeeze the juice out of the prepared vegetable puree, which you should drink only freshly prepared (since it oxidizes quickly) in a glass half an hour before meals, up to 3-4 times a day.


This healthy drink has a mild healing effect and therefore has no medical contraindications. Thanks to its unique properties, it is possible to regulate impaired digestion, reduce acidity, restore the integrity of the gastric mucosa, strengthen local immunity, and enrich the body with beneficial vitamins and microelements. The recommended daily dose of pumpkin concentrate is 800 ml, which should be divided into 3-4 doses. The medicine can be stored in the refrigerator under a tightly covered lid for no more than 12 hours, after which its beneficial properties weaken.

Vegetable oils

Traditional methods of treating stomach ulcers have fewer medical contraindications, but the choice of medicine must be treated with extreme caution. Vegetable oils have enveloping, choleretic and regenerating properties and can be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Sea buckthorn and olive oil bases are especially in demand, as they prolong the period of remission of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Sea buckthorn oil

Hippocrates mentioned this oil base in his writings. Sea buckthorn oil has antibacterial, enveloping, analgesic, choleretic, regenerating properties, relieves inflammation and supports the normal functioning of the digestive organs. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for ulcers; it has virtually no medical contraindications.

In the relapse stage, the patient is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil orally 30 minutes before meals. After improvements occur, the indicated dosage can be maintained, but the number of daily approaches can be reduced to two. For the purpose of prevention, the oil base should be taken only in the morning - 1 tsp. a quarter of an hour before the meal. The recommended course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Olive oil

This natural antioxidant is effective in preventing cancer. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, is excellent for stomach ulcers, and promotes the productive destruction of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Medical contraindications apply to cholelithiasis, liver and pancreas pathologies.

It is recommended to take this natural antioxidant composition for a month without interruption. A single dose of olive oil is 1 tsp, which should be consumed half an hour before the next meal. The frequency of daily doses is 3-4. In case of individual intolerance to the components, an allergic reaction occurs, and olive oil, as a medicine, needs to be replaced.

Medicinal herbs and plants

Herbal medicine is very popular for inflammatory processes and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Herbs for stomach and duodenal ulcers significantly prolong the period of remission, and during exacerbation they become an auxiliary drug. Both individual medicinal plants and their collections are used.


This perennial medicinal plant normalizes the production of gastric juice, restores damaged walls, improves intestinal function, prevents exacerbations, and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic flora. Aloe relieves inflammation, suppresses acute pain, stimulates local immunity, and has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

To prepare the medicine, it is advisable to take a plant older than 3 years, which has not been watered for more than 2 weeks. It is necessary to cut 5-7 leaves, then keep them in the cold for 10 days. Then grind the raw material into a pulp, take a teaspoon orally a quarter of an hour before the next meal three times a day. In addition, you can squeeze the juice and take it in the same quantity. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month.

Flax seeds

To speed up the metabolic process and eliminate toxic substances from the body, it is recommended to use flaxseed. This natural component has more contraindications than other herbs, but the resulting treatment result is characterized by a stable period of remission. For example, it is not recommended to use flax seed in the relapse stage, during exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, as a potential allergen. Restrictions apply to periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Flax seeds are subject to rapid oxidation, so each time you need to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine. You need 1 tsp. place the seeds in a glass bowl, pour in 100 ml of boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Use this folk remedy before each meal three times a day for 1 month without a break.

pumpkin seeds

To prepare such a folk remedy for stomach ulcers, the first step is to remove the seeds from the pumpkin, which are then washed and dried. Then they are fried in a frying pan and ground in a coffee grinder. After this, 1 tsp. prepared powder is poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water, infused under a covered lid. The medicine must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is up to 2 months.


This medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory and restorative properties, promotes the renewal of injured tissues of the stomach walls. In case of allergies, cardiovascular diseases, in case of pregnancy, lactation, such an appointment is not recommended. To treat stomach ulcers, you need to pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 25 g of flowers, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then strain and take the product throughout the day for 2-3 months.

St. John's wort

This herbal ingredient has astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, and has the same medical contraindications as calendula decoction. It is necessary to prepare the medicinal composition in the same way as the recipe described above, and take it complicated orally for several months. Afterwards you can take a two-week break.


Tea made from chamomile flowers has tonic, regenerating and restorative properties. For stomach ulcers, it quickly relieves inflammation and suppresses an acute attack of pain. It is necessary to pour 25 g of dried raw materials into 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave and strain. Take orally in small sips throughout the day for 2-3 months without interruption.

Herbal infusions

During an exacerbation, to relieve pain, some patients choose not “mono-decoctions”, but a full course of herbal preparations. You must first consult with your doctor; self-medication is excluded. Here are time-tested recipes for health:

  1. In equal proportions, combine toadflax grass, buckwheat, yarrow, red clover, mint, sage, marshmallow, weeping grass; ivy-shaped budra, prickly zopnik. 1 tbsp. l. composition pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Infuse, strain, take the product orally, one-third of a glass three times a day. Course – 2 months.
  2. In one container, combine chamomile and linden blossom, peppermint and yarrow. Then 2.5 tbsp. Steam spoons of the prepared mixture with 300 ml of boiling water. Strain, take 100 ml orally before each meal. Duration of treatment is 1-2 months.
  3. Combine 30 g of dried St. John's wort and chamomile herbs, add 10 g of celandine. After 20 g of the finished collection, pour into a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for several hours. Then strain, consume 100 g orally throughout the day in 3-4 approaches. Course – up to 2 months.

Bee products

Nuts and honey are the best folk remedies for stomach ulcers. Before using the second ingredient, it is important to ensure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction. Honey has regenerating, antimicrobial, tonic properties, productively relieves spasms and attacks of acute pain, relieves nausea and heartburn, increases hemoglobin in the blood, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The chemical composition contains only valuable ingredients. You can use not only honey itself, but also other waste products of bees. Here are reliable recipes:

  1. If you have increased stomach acidity, you need to dissolve a spoonful of flower or any other honey in a glass of warm water, take this drink on an empty stomach and in between meals. The course of treatment differs in its duration; the folk remedy for stomach ulcers has a gentle effect on the body.
  2. You can prepare a propolis tincture, and for this, pour 50 g of beeswax with 500 ml of vodka and leave for two weeks. Three times a day before meals, you should take 40-50 drops of the medicine, after dissolving it in a glass of milk. The course is 2-3 weeks, then you should take a break.

Shilajit for stomach ulcers

In combination with the methods of official medicine, mumiyo has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as if soothing an aggravated ulcer. This is a good opportunity to significantly extend the period of remission. The portion of mumiyo depends on the weight of a particular patient, for example, with a body weight of 70 kg, you should take 0.2 g of the indicated medicine and dissolve it in a third of a glass of warm milk. This is a single dose. Take the resulting composition in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, each time preparing a fresh portion of the medicine. The course of home treatment is 25 days and after 10 days of rest it should be repeated again.

How to use potato juice for ulcers

Before preparing the tuber juice, you must wash it thoroughly and remove the skin. It is very important to make sure that there are no green spots on the potatoes, because this indicates the presence of straw, which has a pathological effect on the body. Since potatoes contain starch, they have a specific unpleasant taste, so they can be mixed with other juice, such as carrot juice. Because it will not only taste better, but also be much healthier.

If the patient suffers from a stomach or duodenal ulcer, treatment must be carried out for 20 days. At the beginning of treatment, the product must be consumed gradually, namely one third of a glass, then gradually increasing the dose to one glass. This procedure must be carried out 3 times a day before meals. After this, it is recommended to rest a little so that everything is absorbed properly.

If we talk about side effects, high-quality potato tubers are the safest products in traditional medicine. But do not forget that before starting any, even the most non-invasive treatment, you need to consult a doctor who, based on the results of your tests, will give a final assessment of whether you should use this product or not.

Ulcer disease is a common gastric disease. There are a lot of drugs known to treat the disease. They use medications and traditional recipes.

The most popular and effective method among non-traditional ones is the treatment of stomach ulcers using fresh potato juice. The article discusses in detail the benefits of potato juice and how to take this simple remedy to get the desired effect.

Potatoes occupy a significant place in the diet of the vast majority of people. Eating vegetables in different forms every day, people rarely think about how useful a familiar plant is. The healing properties have been used by doctors and healers for many centuries to treat a number of diseases. Stomach ulcer is included in the list. Raw potato juice becomes a valuable product. If prepared in accordance with the rules, you will be able to correct digestive problems and improve your health. For each individual nosological unit, a separate recipe for preparing a potato drink is known.

How to make potato juice

Freshly prepared potato juice is prepared using modern household appliances or by hand. It is necessary to choose large-sized potatoes without any blemishes. To prepare the most beneficial drink for the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to give preference to red and pink varieties. They contain more vitamins.

Advice! It is strictly forbidden to use greened potatoes for cooking. They contain many toxic substances.

Before cooking, potatoes should be thoroughly washed and brushed. When preparing by hand, the root vegetable is grated on a fine grater, after which the drink is squeezed out through a piece of thick gauze.

Using a juicer, the cooking process can be significantly speeded up. For a single serving, it is enough to use 2 - 3 medium-sized potatoes. To improve the taste of the drink, it is allowed to mix the resulting drink with celery or carrot juice in any proportion.

But at the same time, the healing properties of the drink are reduced to a certain extent. Other combinations also have healing properties:

  • Potato and beet juice in equal proportions will help get rid of constipation.
  • Potato and tomato juice in a 2:1 ratio with the addition of finely chopped dill normalizes digestion.

Advice! The prepared potato drink should be taken immediately, as it will darken within a few minutes after squeezing and will lose its healing properties after a quarter of an hour.

What are the richness of potatoes?

A common misconception has become the opinion that there is nothing else in potatoes except starch; the tuber does not contain useful components. Research by scientists has shown that this opinion is not true. In addition to starch, potatoes contain a number of useful components:

  1. Fiber is easily absorbed in the intestines.
  2. Potatoes contain small amounts of vegetable proteins.
  3. Organic acids.
  4. Almost all known water-soluble vitamins.
  5. Fats, fatty acids.
  6. Potatoes contain many inorganic substances and microelements.
  7. Natural sugar, easily digestible.

Substances of organic nature fill potatoes; it is extremely difficult to synthesize formulas artificially. This makes the vegetable an indispensable product in the diet. An important quality for people suffering from pathologies of the digestive system is the fact that the nutrients in potatoes are extremely easy to digest.

The root vegetable helps to quickly normalize metabolism. There is an important circumstance - potatoes are constantly subjected to heat treatment before consumption. When cooking, a significant part of the beneficial components suffers. Frying has the maximum destructive effect. The vast majority of people love this dish. Constant consumption of fried potato pieces leads to a deficiency of nutrients in the diet.

Benefits of raw potatoes

The root vegetable in its raw form has the largest list of useful qualities. This reason has made raw potato juice such a common treatment method in folk medicine. True, the taste of the extract will not please you; rarely does anyone like drinking the juice. Patients who regularly consume the juice are more than rewarded for the unpleasant moments with a rapid improvement in their health.

Drinking raw potato juice will allow you to avoid taking a number of medications. It is possible to improve the taste of the drink by mixing the juice with other equally healthy but tasty ingredients. The solution found will add pleasure when drinking the drink. Potato juice will acquire new healing properties in combination with medicines.

Useful properties of potato juice

Juice squeezed from raw potatoes contains a maximum of useful components. Fresh juice is recommended for the treatment of chronic gastric and duodenal ulcers. The effects of the juice are known:

  1. Regenerating.
  2. Relieves spasms of smooth muscles.
  3. Wound healing.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.
  5. Anesthetic.
  6. Mild diuretic, laxative.

Treating ulcers with potato juice stimulates regeneration processes and simultaneously destroys pathogenic microflora in the intestines. If potato juice is included in the complex of treatment measures, the course of therapy is shortened, and the patient’s well-being becomes much better.

Results of taking potato juice

  1. Normalization of metabolism, especially water-salt metabolism.
  2. Increasing blood hemoglobin levels.
  3. Improving the functioning of the urinary system.
  4. Stimulation of peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Elimination of chronic constipation.
  6. Eliminates chronic pain in the digestive organs.
  7. Appetite stimulation.
  8. Healing of ulcers and wounds on the mucous membranes of the stomach, healing the consequences of burns.

This impressive list of effects has long been and willingly used by traditional healers and representatives of official medicine.

Things to remember

When starting to treat stomach ulcers with potato juice, you should remember that it needs to be prepared only from fresh, good quality potatoes. The juice should be consumed immediately after preparation. You cannot store juice in the refrigerator; the drink begins to lose its beneficial qualities after just a few minutes. Microbes begin to multiply rapidly in the liquid.


Despite its obvious benefits, treating the stomach with potato juice has a number of contraindications. Do not try to treat with potato juice for the following conditions:

  1. Increased tendency to flatulence, bloating.
  2. Constant formation of intestinal gases.
  3. Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  4. Excess body weight.

Potato juice enhances such conditions; you should not take the drink if you have these diseases.

It is not recommended to use stale and green potatoes for making juice. Green tubers accumulate many toxic substances that can lead to the death of the patient. Potato juice for stomach ulcers will provide undoubted benefits only if the rules and precautions are followed.

Benefits of potato juice

Everyone's favorite potato is good not only when fried or baked. Due to its healing properties, this root vegetable is widely used in folk medicine. Raw potatoes and their juice are used for the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases, as well as in home cosmetology.

Potatoes contain natural sucrose and starches, which reduce blood cholesterol levels. Steroid alkaloids and globulin proteins have anti-inflammatory properties. Potassium fights swelling by removing excess fluid. This is especially important for people suffering from kidney failure and heart pathologies.

Potato starch stimulates the healing of stomach ulcers. Fresh root juice reduces the production of hydrochloric acid. Helps fight duodenal ulcers. Raw potatoes and juice from them have the following beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;

  • painkillers;
  • antimicrobial;
  • laxative;
  • general strengthening;
  • antispasmodic;
  • regenerating;
  • diuretic.

Useful enzymes in the vegetable can regulate the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Ascorbic and folic acids have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Magnesium normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents the development of depressive conditions.

Ground apple is included in many homemade mask recipes. Its rich vitamin and mineral composition has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect on the skin. Starch eliminates unwanted pigmentation. B vitamins stimulate the production of collagen fibers.

Cooking rules

Treatment with juice from raw potatoes is recommended to take place from July to February. At this time, the root vegetable contains the maximum amount of valuable components. Starting from the end of February, the vegetable cannot be used for medicinal purposes. At this time, a substance that is toxic to humans, solanine, accumulates.

To prepare the drink, it is advisable to use root vegetables of pink shades and oblong shape. Do not use tubers with green skin, it contains solanine. Rinse and peel the vegetables thoroughly. Use a juicer.

You can prepare a healing remedy without a juicer. To do this, grate raw potatoes on a fine grater or grind them using a meat grinder. Use a fine sieve. Fold clean gauze in several layers and use it to squeeze out the resulting mass.

Freshly prepared juice should steep for two minutes. Then you can drink it. The product must be used only fresh. 10 minutes after production, the healing properties of the product are lost. You shouldn't drink it.

After drinking the juice, your mouth should be rinsed with warm water. This will prevent the destruction of the enamel. Some dentists recommend using the product through a straw.

Indications and contraindications

Raw potatoes can be called a universal medicine. Its pulp and juice are used to treat many diseases:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • bronchitis;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pancreatitis;
  • fibroids;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • warts;
  • hypertension and anemia;
  • migraine;
  • kidney pathologies.

The method of application and the amount of liquid depend on what pathology the product is intended to cure. To achieve the desired result, you must strictly adhere to the regimen, otherwise you can harm the body.

Before using traditional medicine recipes, you should consult your doctor. He must allow treatment with potato juice. This method has very few contraindications:

  • the second type of diabetes mellitus in severe form;
  • intestinal predisposition to fermentation;
  • low acidity of gastric juice.

I make juice from potato cakes quite often. I first tried this remedy several years ago, when the first symptoms of gastritis began to appear. The pain and other unpleasant sensations disappeared instantly. Since then my stomach has not bothered me. But I do a three-month potato therapy every year. I drink the drink every other day on an empty stomach in the morning. I didn’t consult a doctor, I chose this regimen for myself, I feel so comfortable. I believe that traditional methods of treatment are the most effective and safe. I try not to take toxic pharmaceutical chemicals.


Cooking recipes

To make juice from fresh potatoes, you need to follow three steps:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel and grate.
  2. Distill the resulting mass through a juicer.
  3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or bandage.

Freshly prepared potato juice should be consumed immediately, and after half an hour you should start eating. The full course of potato juice therapy lasts about three weeks. Gradually, the single dose of juice drunk increases to 150 ml.

In addition to potato juice, it is useful to regularly drink carrot juice. This combination is beneficial, especially for the treatment of gastric and intestinal ulcers. After just a few days of taking the mixture, the patient will feel a significant improvement.

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