Burning sensation in the liver area: what it could be, causes and treatment of diseases
If burning signs appear in the liver area, you need to urgently make an appointment with a specialist. Burning
Bacteria for newborns against colic
What is the best remedy for colic for newborns?
Taking into account statistics, more than 85% of newborns suffer from colic in the tummy between the ages of
prunes as a laxative - benefits how to take
How to take prunes for constipation as a laxative?
Prunes are very effective as a laxative. This property has been known to people for a long time. It consists
Pain in the epigastric region radiating to the back
Home / News / Stomach pain radiates to the back: causes, possible diseases, options
The problem of vomiting and fever in a child
Causes of low temperature and vomiting in a child
Vomiting and fever in a child can occur for various reasons. These symptoms require immediate
dairy products
How to make a lazy intestine work on its own?
Symptoms of a lazy bowel Lazy bowel is a disease associated with decreased tone of the abdominal muscles, which
A heating pad will help get rid of colic in a newborn. Which heating pad to use for colic in a newborn?
What is intestinal colic? Intestinal colic in children is pain that has a paroxysmal appearance.
Color of stool in pancreatitis, photo of stool in an adult, yellow stool sticks to the toilet
Color of stool in pancreatitis, photo of stool in an adult, yellow stool sticks to the toilet
How is it formed and what does it consist of? From the stomach, food masses enter the duodenum,
Effective exercise therapy and gymnastics for constipation
Diseases of the digestive system have become more frequent. The condition is accompanied by discomfort, heaviness, bloating, a person simply cannot
saline solution for poisoning
Treatment of food poisoning in children and adults
Is it possible to do without saline solution? Dehydration should not be underestimated. With a lack of moisture and
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