Why do you want to sleep after lunch? Reasons, how to fight, photos and videos

Surely, observing your lethargic and drowsy state after lunch, you have repeatedly asked yourself the question: “Why do you want to sleep after eating?” Let's look at this topic in more detail.

It often happens that after a tasty and satisfying meal, you want, if not to take a nap, then at least take a horizontal position and give your body a little rest. Moreover, this physiological feature does not depend on age and gender: after eating, both young and old, both women and men, fall asleep. Moreover, not everyone thinks about why we want to sleep after eating. Let's try to figure it out.

Main reasons

Think about it and try to remember when usually after lunch you start to feel weak and tired? Vigor usually disappears either after a heavy meal, or if you have eaten sweets. Right?

Why is this happening? In the case of a heavy lunch, the body has to spend too much energy on digesting food.

Just imagine, the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines are working on its transportation and digestion.

Such a complex process requires a lot of effort. Having coped with the task, the body naturally needs time to recover.

This is where you feel very tired and want to sleep. Some nutritionists jokingly call this condition a “temporary food coma.”

The second reason is food rich in carbohydrates, especially “fast” ones. Simply put, we ate dessert and wanted to sleep. The reason for this is a sharp change in blood glucose levels.

The body uses sugar as one of its energy sources. When resources are running low, you begin to feel hungry.

At this time, the brain actively produces a substance called orexin. Doctors say that it is responsible for vigor and makes a person go in search of food.

By the way, for the same reason, it can be difficult to fall asleep “on an empty stomach.” But that’s not about that now. When a large amount of sugar enters the body, the production of orexin abruptly stops. Vigor gives way to drowsiness.

Sleeping after lunch is a natural phenomenon

Afternoon nap or siesta
An afternoon nap is a completely natural and logical phenomenon that is observed in many places today, to which people who are not burdened by the need to follow a rigid daily schedule are prone. People especially like to sleep at lunchtime in southern countries - however, here this is due to some climate features and the fact that in the midday heat it is really better to just sleep. This way of life has been practiced by people from generation to generation as the most gentle. After dinner, people indulged in some rest for a while before returning to their work.

It was believed that food should “settle down”, because physical activity on a full stomach can even cause pain; many people had to note such a negative effect of activity after a heavy lunch.


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Sleeping lion

Activity on a full stomach is really harmful; an organ filled with food is vulnerable to external damage, and therefore predators - wolves, lions and others, capable of eating up to several tens of kilograms of meat at a time, immediately go to bed after a hearty lunch. Moreover, their main task is completed, they themselves and their offspring are fed, and this rest is well deserved.

However, after lunch, not only physical strength disappears, but also the charge of mental energy. Solving intellectual problems is more difficult than on an empty stomach; it is also better to postpone them for another time. How is this fact explained?

Orexin and insulin

Recent research by scientists has shown that frequent consumption of fast carbohydrates, which cause sudden spikes in blood sugar, leads to a gradual blocking of neurons that produce orexin.

This can be dangerous to health, as it provokes rapid weight gain, which leads to obesity, and the development of a disease called “narcolepsy” - a syndrome of constant drowsiness.

That is, if we eat fast food, are addicted to sweets, white bread and processed foods, then over time we increasingly feel weak after meals, fatigue increases, and physical activity decreases. A person finds himself in a vicious circle.

“Orexin is extremely important for the normal functioning of our body.
It is he who is responsible for connecting the needs of the body with the conscious desires of a person. For example, waking up, searching for food, hormone production, normal metabolism.” - explains Denis Burdakov, a researcher from the University of Manchester in Britain.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the food you eat during the day does not cause “sugar storms”.

This is also important because there is a different opinion among scientists. They believe that afternoon sleepiness is the result of increased insulin production.

The reason is the same - fast carbohydrates, which, when they enter the blood and turn into sugar, send a signal to the liver about the need to produce insulin. It is known to help glucose be absorbed, converting it into energy.

Doctors say that when there is too much sugar, a “blockage” occurs and body cells stop responding to insulin.

At the same time, the liver continues to produce it in increased volume. The result is a “system failure”. This can cause diabetes.

Why are women craving sweets?

Menstruation and menopause

Most representatives of the fair sex are familiar with the irresistible desire to eat chocolate or cake on certain days of the cycle. Usually this is the period several days before and after menstruation. The need for sweets in women these days is explained by hormonal changes and increased consumption of vitamins and microelements.

Addiction to them during menopause is a consequence of decreased estrogen production. This entails a decrease in the level of serotonin in the blood and causes a persistent desire to treat yourself to something sweet.

Pregnancy and lactation

Changing the ratio of sex hormones and the need to increase daily caloric intake during fetal formation or breastfeeding is the main reason for women's addiction to sweets.


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If a pregnant woman constantly craves something tasty, nutritionists recommend replacing it with healthier alternatives. This could be fruit, nuts or a small piece of dark chocolate, which are best consumed after meals.

Drowsiness fight

What to do? How to get rid of signs of drowsiness and protect your health?

Nutritionists strongly advise paying attention to your diet. Or rather, on its composition.

Firstly, fast carbohydrates should be replaced with slow ones. Let me remind you that to them

This includes whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, quinoa and others), as well as vegetables, unsweetened fruits and berries.

Secondly, include more protein foods in your diet - lentils, beans, eggs, lean meats and fish, dairy and fermented milk products. Doctors claim that egg whites can give you more energy than a cup of coffee.

It has been scientifically proven that caffeinated drinks stimulate brain function for two hours, while protein foods stimulate brain function throughout the day.

In addition, not so long ago, research data from scientists from the University of Cambridge was published in the famous journal Neuron.

They say that eating foods rich in proteins increases the production of orexins. A person feels cheerful and active, and the calories coming from food immediately begin to be consumed by the body.

Moreover, the combination of proteins with vegetable fats, which, for example, are found in nuts, helps to “block” the negative effect of glucose on orexin neurons.

The discoveries were confirmed by two experiments. In the first, orexin cells were placed in test tubes with various nutrient solutions. The interaction reaction occurred where the amino acids of the proteins were located.

In the second, research was continued on rats. Egg whites were added to their diet. As a result, not only did the level of orexin increase in the animals’ brains, but their motor activity also increased significantly. The effect lasted for several hours.

What does it mean? The composition and quantity of food are closely related to the reactions of our body. If you want to be cheerful and forget about afternoon drowsiness, do not overeat and eat healthy foods rich in proteins, unsaturated fats and slow carbohydrates.

What to remember

In addition to the composition of food, pay attention to its glycemic index - this is an indicator of how quickly carbohydrates are broken down in the body and how they affect blood sugar levels.

The lower it is, the better. Finding detailed descriptions of the glycemic index of each product on the Internet is not difficult.

Any physical activity will help you cope with drowsiness after eating. Doctors advise not to give in to even a very strong desire to lie down and rest.

Instead, it is better to walk for at least 10-15 minutes. Fatigue should subside. Although, personally I don’t agree with this.

As an option, try a short nap - 15 minutes, it definitely relieves this fatigue, the brain rests and then continues to work with pleasure.

In addition, there are studies confirming that activity also affects blood glucose levels.

In people who do not sit still after eating, it rises almost twice as slow as in those who prefer to rest.

If you follow the rules of nutrition, but fatigue and drowsiness persist, these may be signs of diseases such as:

  • hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels after eating),
  • hyperglycemia (increased sugar levels in the body),
  • dumping syndrome (a complication that appears after gastric surgery)
  • or disruption of the endocrine system.

Be sure to consult a doctor!

Do you often feel sleepy after eating? How do you deal with this feeling? How strong is it for you? Share your stories in the comments and see you in the next article!

Certain foods are actually to blame for the desire to get to bed and sleep in broad daylight. Let's see which ones exactly.

Lettuce leaves may cause increased drowsiness. The thing is that light food often causes fatigue. This is due to a lack of necessary substances in the body. To put it simply, when you just have a vegetable salad for lunch, your body does not have the resources to function normally.

Therefore, always combine vegetables and herbs with something protein: eggs, meat, fish.

Dairy products can also make you want to sleep. Studies show that milk protein intolerance can appear after 30-35 years, and one of the signs is a feeling of fatigue.

Conduct an experiment: eat cottage cheese for an afternoon snack and observe your body. If you feel sleepy after eating dairy products, this is a reason to think about it.

Nuts are rich in magnesium, which relaxes muscles and makes a person want to rest. This is natural and absolutely not scary.

Just try to eat nuts at times when you have time to rest. Peanuts and almonds are especially rich in magnesium.

Bananas, like nuts, are also rich in magnesium, which naturally makes a person sleepy. This is especially acute for people who are deficient in magnesium.

To avoid drowsiness, nutritionists advise eating bananas with other fruits (apples, citrus fruits).

Sweets often make a person want to sleep. More precisely, not like that. Immediately after eating you will feel a surge of energy, but after a fairly short time you will feel drowsy. This is due to the fact that sugar very quickly gives a surge of energy, which will disappear just as quickly. And you will feel weak and want to sleep.

Therefore, try to eat less sweets, and you should not eat them separately from your main food.

You've probably noticed that periodically after a heavy or sometimes very light lunch you feel sleepy. Unfortunately, as scientists report, this problem plagues every second inhabitant of our planet. However, there is good news: it is possible to overcome drowsiness after eating, you just need to understand the root causes of its occurrence.

There may be several reasons. The most common thing is overeating

Don’t forget that at the very foundation of the concept of proper nutrition is the message that you need to get up from the table feeling slightly hungry. The second, simplest and radically opposite reason is that too few nutrients
, which does not allow the brain to function fully. Thus, the body goes into “energy saving” mode. That is why nutritionists advise eating frequently and in small portions. Try to exclude “empty” foods from your diet, such as low-fat (0%) cottage cheese or milk.

We are sure that everything in your diet is correct

, but still want to sleep after every meal? You've probably heard that our brain feeds on sugar and therefore it is necessary to consume sugar in situations that are difficult for the brain (exam, report, public speaking). However, such “feeds” not only do not help the brain, but even cause drowsiness and loss of strength.

In fact, when a person eats something sweet, the glucose level in his blood jumps sharply and he very quickly begins to feel a surge of energy. But immediately, in response to a large dose of sugar, the body produces insulin, which removes glucose from the blood and distributes it throughout the cells... And so the glucose level, which has skyrocketed, falls, as a rule, even below the original one. This is where drowsiness occurs.

This absolutely normal reaction of the body is due to the fact that the brain does not need glucose in large quantities. He needs it in small quantities and regularly. This can be provided by so-called slow carbohydrates (porridge, grain bread, durum wheat pasta), but in no case sweets.

TOP 5 tips. “What can I do to gradually reduce the level of sugar in my diet?”

Avoid eating sweets when you want to feel alert and energetic.

Reduce the amount of sugar at one time (try putting not two spoons in tea, but one and a half and gradually reduce the dosage);

Increase the time from one sweet consumption to another;

Eat it in small quantities only after meals (preferably after easily digestible protein foods - dairy products or omelettes);

Find a table on the Internet with the glycemic index of foods (how much natural sugar is in a food) and take it into account when planning your diet for the week.

“If a person wants to lose weight, then he must give up sweets,” nutritionists say. However, not everyone can deny themselves the pleasure of eating candy or ice cream. For some people, sugar is a kind of drug; they cannot overcome their addiction. Doctors name the top reasons why you constantly or sometimes crave sweets.

Cravings for sweets occur periodically in any person. This may be caused by temporary reasons, for example, a long break between meals.

Sometimes the need for sugar becomes pathological. In these cases, you should pay attention to your health status and find out if there are any serious diseases.

There are several main reasons why you often want to eat something for dessert.

Prolonged hunger

When a person is hungry, he lacks energy and feels weak. Sugar is a fast carbohydrate that is absorbed in the intestines and immediately enters the blood, saturating the body with energy. Therefore, a person wants to eat sweets to restore strength.

A long-term lack of food can cause a person to feel dizzy, weak, tired, and apathetic.

For the same reason, cravings for sweets occur when dieting. For example, on a protein diet, the body is deficient in carbohydrates, so it demands that it be given candy or cake.

Glucose is also required during long-term training or physical work.

After 20–30 minutes of physical activity, glycogen in the liver is the first to burn. It is the main supply of carbohydrates for cells and provides energy. Without energy, strength is quickly lost and lethargy appears. Then a person has a craving for fast carbohydrates to replenish glycogen reserves.


Hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood glucose concentration. The condition occurs with certain diseases, such as type 1 diabetes.

Medicines, such as insulin, also reduce sugar levels. In this case, the patient experiences weakness, dizziness, and nausea. He urgently needs to eat a piece of candy or a piece of sugar to avoid developing a hypoglycemic coma.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Why does a person want sweets? Because his body lacks a substance called chromium. It
supports carbohydrate metabolism and increases the sensitivity of cellular receptors to insulin.
Paradoxically, sugar abuse reduces chromium levels, which provokes an even greater desire to eat sweets.
It turns out to be a vicious circle. You can get rid of it if you get this substance from food or take it as a food supplement. The lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body is one of the reasons why you crave sweets.
A craving for chocolate appears when there is a deficiency of magnesium, and if you want ice cream or sweet soda, then the body lacks calcium and tryptophan - an amino acid involved in protein metabolism. You can solve the problem by including the following foods in your diet:

  • cottage cheese;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • liver;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • chicken breast.

Habit of unhealthy snacks

It is not always possible to have a full lunch or breakfast. Therefore, some are accustomed to replacing normal food with desserts and tea. This gradually becomes a habit that is not so easy to break.

Parents form similar habits in their child in early childhood, when they give him cookies or candy to calm him down. This creates a dependence on large amounts of sugar, which remains into adulthood.

Reasons why a person constantly and very much craves sweets

You have noticed that sucrose in its pure form is practically not found in nature - it is found in large quantities only in two plants artificially bred by humans through selection - sugar cane and sugar beets. So we can clearly live without pure, refined sugar.

Then why are we so drawn to chocolate?

behind sweet-tolerance : the need for intimacy and love, the desire to take care of oneself, and the inability to distinguish between hunger and thirst. Maybe you deny yourself all the pleasures of life so much that sweets are the only loophole to feel joy?

You need to clearly understand that a constant craving for sweets is either a lack of any important nutritional components or a consequence of internal disharmony , a lack of joyful emotions. So you compensate for their lack with candy.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is honestly answer the question: what am I missing in my life? What will make me happy? After that, evaluate your diet.

Let's look at the reasons why you always, very strongly and constantly crave flour and sweets:

Horrible after eating

The reason is trivial, but very common: you eat tasteless, you are not happy with your diet. Everyone loves to eat delicious food, there is nothing reprehensible about it. Food is one of the simplest and most accessible ways to improve your well-being, lift your spirits and gain strength.

So you don’t need to think that proper nutrition (that set the teeth on edge) is necessarily steamed broccoli and boiled breast, not at all! There is nothing shameful in the fact that you don’t like buckwheat and don’t want to eat it .

Strange things begin when a person stuffs unloved foods into himself, simply because they are considered healthy, thereby achieving only one thing: the formation of an extremely negative attitude towards healthy eating and more and more dreams about harmful things. Food should bring pleasure - this is an axiom. Accept this rule and stick to it.

And in order for not only cakes, sweets, French fries and pies to bring pleasure, but also fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals and dairy products, you need to change the mindset in your head that “everything harmful is tasty, and everything healthy is tasteless.”

To do this, always try to choose products that you don’t dislike and show your imagination: we are all a bit of a chef at heart in our own personal restaurant with 3 Michelin stars

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