Stool analysis vegetable fiber indigestible norm. Should I sound the alarm if my child has undigested pieces of food in his stool?
Mothers of young children are most often concerned about lumps of undigested food found in stool. Looking in
Methods of using soap for constipation and the negative aspects of treatment
Back in Soviet times, soap began to be used for constipation. The therapy was applied to adults, children
Prunes for constipation when breastfeeding a newborn
Healthy dried fruit Prunes are the dried fruits of sweet varieties of plums. First, the fruit is blanched in boiling water.
Why do you feel sick after training?
Nausea during or after exercise
Nausea after exercise: why exercise causes nausea, what to do Nausea during exercise
Siberian fiber for constipation. What foods contain a lot of fiber for constipation?
Fiber - what is it? Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate found in plant foods.
How to take Ranitidine for gastritis
Home » Medicines 05/30/2016 Category: MedicinesAuthor: Sergey Izmailov Ranitidine is one of the most effective
A pregnant woman has toxicosis
Decoding all the causes of heartburn and nausea (vomiting) - how to treat
In pregnant women Nausea and heartburn are frequent companions of pregnant women Pregnant women may be plagued by nausea
Heartburn after alcohol: possible causes and what to do, how to get rid of it
Only infants do not know about the negative effects of alcoholic beverages on the human body. And despite
Care after gastrointestinal surgery
Indications for surgery Indications for surgery are: hemorrhoids; fissures in the anus; loss
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Beetroot for constipation: how to use it correctly
The use of beets for problems with bowel movements Frequent constipation or temporary inconvenient issue with
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