Treatment for bloating and constipation in adults
Parasites are a common cause of flatulence and bloating. THESE “KILLERS” WILL COME OUT IF... When
Chills during poisoning
Health and healthy lifestyle Nausea and freezing
Types of poisoning In the medical field, there are several types of poisoning that occur with similar symptoms: Food.
apples cause gas
15 foods that cause bloating
Why do apples cause bloating and a swollen stomach? Why do apples make your stomach swell and intensify?
Diet for constipation in adults: light food in all respects
Effect on digestion As part of the huge demand, special importance is attached to research on the quality of coffee beans
Why do you feel sick before childbirth, causes of nausea in pregnant women, what to do?
What's happening There is very little space in the uterus now, so don't be surprised if the number of movements
What to do if you have diarrhea after gallbladder removal
The gallbladder is an important digestive organ that is responsible for storing, concentrating and periodically
The problem of vomiting in children
Gag and expulsion reflexes as the main reason for refusal of complementary foods
The reason for contacting a pediatrician is often vomiting after eating in a child. This is how it can manifest itself
Pain in lower abdomen during sex
Why does the lower abdomen hurt and pull after sexual intercourse?
Pain during or after sex is very common. Most often the pain occurs
Is it possible to give smecta to newborns with diarrhea?
Composition and effect of the drug Diosmetide, which is the main active component of Smecta, unlike others
Ointment and suppositories after surgery to remove hemorrhoids
Rehabilitation period For each patient, the recovery process occurs individually. This largely depends on
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